
Wednesday 13 March 2013

Welcoming World Web Wednesday - Link Up!

Welcome World to Kawartha Lakes Mums Web Wednesday. 

Web Wednesday we invite all our fans and followers from around the world to share a link to where they have posted information and a link to one of the posts on Kawartha Lakes Mums on their family -friendly site or blog. In return for your kind words about Kawartha Lakes Mums,  you will be entered into our monthly deluxe banner ad giveaway.
Orkut Scraps - Wednesday

How to Enter

Just post a comment below stating where you posted about one of our articles on your blog or site. Easy peasy! Ready to enter? Which post will you write about? 

World Web Wednesday Prize

The Deluxe banner ad includes a prominently placed banner linked to a post about your business, which in turn links to your site. In addition, the deluxe banner ad includes at least 20 shout outs through our social media channels about your business before we change the banner ad to our next winner. The image for the banner ad must be supplied by the winner within 7 days from the time the close of the random draw on the last day of the month.

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Thanks for reading!
We look forward to your comments, and will publish them after checking for family-friendliness.
If posting a link, please link back to us, or have a place where we can comment and link back to our blog.