
Monday 1 April 2013

April Fools - Braxton Hicks Contractions [Personal Experience Plus Links]

Kawartha Lakes Mums - Ever Had Braxton Hicks Contractions?

April Fools Day never passes without recalling the first April Fools trick my eldest daughter played on me, several decades ago - Braxton Hicks Contractions!

April Fools Due Date! 

What would you think if you were told your due date was April 1st? My doctor told me my daughter was due March 17, however that date passed uneventfully, and it was decided that if she did not make an appearance by April 10th, I might have to be induced.
'Perhaps you'll go into labour April Fool's Day!' he jested. 
April Fools Day? Oh no, I pannicked. Who in our family would believe me ?
April Fools Day was a great day for trying to catch others off guard in our family. As the days went by uneventfully, and I tired of lying on my left side to reduce the effects of  toxemia, I eagerly looked forward to the day I would see the baby for which I was knitting tiny sweaters.

2 am April Fools Day!

One night after dinner at my parents home, I had a few twinges. This being my first pregnancy, I had no idea what to expect, so  I went to bed and fell asleep.
Two am I was awakened with cramping.
Two o'clock am April 1st!
'Oh no, I told myself, 'These can't be contractions, perhaps it was just something I ate.'
 I tried going back to sleep, but the 'cramping' continued, and began to come in regular waves. Finally, when they were about a minute long and 4 and a half minutes apart, I decided to call the doctor, who said It definitely sounded like I was in labour, and that he would meet me at the hospital.
At first my parents didn't believe me, but after seeing me go through a contraction, my mother called our neighbour Marie  to go with us to the hospital, and put in a call to my husband at work.

April Fools Mum! 

The entire ride to  the hospital, all I could think was 'Oh No! It's April Fools!  Will they beleive me at emerg? ' 
The staff was very considerate, but within a few hours, the contractions started easing, and then stopped. 
A nurse brusquely informed me  I hadn't been in labour at all, I had only had False Labour, and I could go home.
False labour? What on earth was False labour? The only thing I could find in my old dog-eared  parenting book, was labour that stops is called false labour.
I pulled on my clothes, and listened to the long harangue from my mother about wasting everyone's time, ss we drove back to my parents.
Feeling foolish for having thought I was really in labour, I silently consoled myself, 'Well even the doctor had thought I was in labour. He told me  to go to the hospital..' 
April 9 th after 12 hours of labour, and a mini miracle, my first beautiful baby was born.

What Is False Labour? 

A decade and a half later, when expecting my second child, I was determined not to be fooled again, and was able to find a bit more information about false labour online-thanks to the  internet. Today many sites carry excellent information about labour and deluvery. And yes, if you are having contractions that are regular for over an hour,  about 60 seconds in length and 5 minutes apart or closer it is definitely time to call for back up.

Useful Pregnancy and Chikdbirth Links 

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