
Thursday 30 May 2013

Congratulations Chief Hagarty!

Chief Hagarty Awarded Order of Merit of the Police Forces

Kawartha Lakes Police Services Chief Hagarty was recently awarded the  Order of Merit of the Police Forces.
Those who have had the privilege of connecting with Chief Hagarty online through Twitter @JHagarty most definitely would agree with Leigh Buchan who remarked on Facebook:
'[You] serve your citizens honourably. You took on this challenge and excelled, more than you likely thought possible.I'm honoured that SM has allowed me to meet you!'
In addition to recently being awarded a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal, Kawartha Lakes Police Chief John Hagarty has now been awarded 'The Order of Merit of the Police Forces' which recognizes a commitment to Canada and honours a career of exceptional service or distinctive merit.
'I am pleased that our Chief is being recognized with this extremely prestigious honour,' said Police Services Board Chair Gord James. 'It speaks of his professionalism and the impact he has had in policing and our community.'
Kawartha Lakes Police Chief John Hagarty left Governor General of Canada David Johnston Right
Kawartha Lakes Police Chief John Hargarty [left]
Awarded The Order of Merit of Police Forces
Governer General of Canada David Johnston
The Chief’s presence as a police leader on the Provincial stage is notable. His reputation as a modern, effective police leader has resulted in his position as President of the Ontario Association of Police Chiefs Zone 3 and more recently, his selection in 2012 as a Vice-President on the OACP’s Executive. From that position, Chief Hagarty has become a strong and respected voice on the future of policing in Ontario.
The Order of Merit of the Police Forces is a fellowship of honour based on the highest qualities of citizenship, service to Canada, to the police community and to humanity at large. It focuses on exceptional merit through contributions to policing, community development and fostering relationships among police forces in Canada and throughout the world and between police and the community.
Chief Hagarty is involved with a number of volunteer agencies in the community including the Rotary Club, the United Way and the Trans Canada Trail Association. In 2008, in response the community concerns about the risks to young people, Chief Hagarty led an initiative to bring the vision of 'Safe Communities Canada' to our City. This initiative raised awareness and increased education regarding crime and injury reduction making Kawartha Lakes the 58th community in Canada to be officially recognized as a 'safe community'. Chief Hagarty was the driving force behind this vision and continues to sit as the co-chair of the Kawartha Lakes Safe Communities executive team. Recently, the City of Kawartha Lakes Police Service was nominated for the 'Friend of Youth Award' at the Lindsay and District Chamber of Commerce Evening of Excellence event.
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