
Tuesday 21 May 2013

Videographer? Win a $75,000 Production Budget! [World Wide]

Calling All Videographers Can You Create Viral Videos?

Video - What secrets lie behind viral videos?  Do you have what it takes to win a $75,000 production budget? Want free access to exclusive audio and video clips for your video creations?
MSN and NYTVF have a contest for you!
Video Submission Deadline: August 9, 2013

image MSN New York TV Festival Short Form Contest Banner
120 seconds
Can Your Video Capture an Audience?
MSN and NYTVF are partnering to discover trailblazing storytellers with a talent for delivering big shows in small packages -120 second packages. The MSN 'Short-Form Storytellers Challenge' guarantees at least one outstanding producer a $75,000 production budget to re-imagine the potential for dynamic series as told in micro-episodic form. This competition is specifically seeking series developed and created to be consumed in episodes of two minutes or less. Can you create a viral video series?

MSN -NYTVF Video Submission Tips 

MSN Video is seeking video that’s impossible not to click on, impossible to stop watching, and impossibly satisfying at the end of each and every episode. MSN,  seeks to move beyond hosts standing in front of green screens, and videos offering tips and tricks about one thing or another.

What Video Does MSN Want? 

MSN is Looking For Video Submissions with:
  • Bold, fresh, buzz-worthy concepts that engage, entertain and capture viewers in 120 sec or less
  • Concepts with global appeal in English or without language
  • Series presenting stand-alone episodes with thematic through-lines, so viewers can enjoy single episodes without previous knowledge of story lines and/or characters
  • Well-produced and inescapable scripted or non-scripted series that uniquely specifically developed to be consumed within the timeframe allowed Don't just chop up a longer project!
  • All genres welcome, especially comedy, animation, non-scripted comedic formats, non-scripted anthology, inspiration, personality/info-tainment and gameshows 
  • Out-of-the-box 'click candy' - ideas that inspire socialization and attract new viewers 
  • Episodes with a clear 'hook' in the opening seconds with a pay-off in the final segment. What is the conclusion, the punch line, the reveal, or the lesson learned at the end of each episode that makes the users’ time spent worthwhile?
Have a few ideas? Great! You can submit as many entries as you like - it's free to enter!

MSN - NYTVF Submitter Perks

Need audio or video footage to amp up your entry? 
NYTVF partner Audio Network is offering FREE and UNLIMITED access to their music library of over 40,000 tracks for any artist submitting to the 2013 NYTVF. Plus NYTVF has partnered with T3Media to offer FREE clip licenses for use in MSN Short-Form Storytellers Challenge submissions. Utilize footage from the world’s leading media companies such as BBC Motion Gallery, Paramount Pictures, Sony Pictures Entertainment, MGM Studios, HBO Archives, and National Geographic.
Want to find out more?  See details at

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