
Monday 17 March 2014

Area Man Convicted of Child Porn Using Sports Players Free? [Warning]

Alex Brunton Peterborough - Secretly Taped Young Boys - Freed for Time Served?

Kawartha Lakes Mums - Was a Peterborough sexual predator who taped and distributed secret shower scenes of young hockey players freed for 10 months time served?  Here is my understanding of this CHEX TV Alex Brunton video - is there something I am missing here?
Alex Brunton - Peterborough screen shot from video wire rimmed glasses, balding, round kindly face - convicted of pornography
Convicted Peterborough Pornographer Free
Police in the United States, contacted the Toronto Police, after being alerted that Alex Brunton a volunteer Ontario hockey and lacrosse coach,  had over the span of 3 years, enticed a 15 year old boy to send him over 100 disturbing pictures and videos on a Cannibal fantasy site. Mr. Brunton was arrested in Peterborough, when secretly shot shower and locker room videos of  children he coached were found in his home. When Brunton was arrested, he said he didn't think the charges were as serious as the press were making them out to be. 
Mr. Brunton spent 10 months in jail awaiting trial, saw a forensic psychiatrist who said he is not a danger to anyone, expressed his remorse of having caused his family embarrassment, and was sent home to his wife. He has a number of probation orders including not using the Internet unless he is supervised by his wife.
Let me watch this video again - I must be missing something here. 

Forensic Psychiatrist Finds Brunton No Danger to Others - What???

Do you agree with this psychiatrist?  How can taping and distributing child porn be seen as not being a danger to anyone?  What of the victims whose privacy was violated? What of the young boy who was persuaded to make videos of himself?  Surely Brunton has already harmed people, and did not recognize the harm he was doing to others. Why would a psychiatrist state such a thing? 
Perhaps there is a connection with a  supposed 'misprint' in the American Psychiatric Association DSM- 5 published in 2013, where paedophilia was changed to a 'sexual orientation'  rather than a psychiatric disorder, but even in their 'mistaken' definition they distinguished between people who act upon their urges. Michael Seto, a forensic psychiatrist frequently cited on CBC radio, has stated  in his opinion classifying pedophelia as a sexual preference, will help bring more people to seek treatment to control their urges. Do people seek treatment for sexual orientation? 
My condolences to Mrs. Brunton, and her family, and their friends who must be still reeling in shock. My sympathies also to the police forces who work to try and protect our children and youth from predators - it must seem at times to be an exercise in futility.
Here is the CHEX TV coverage:

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