
Wednesday 26 March 2014

Kawartha Lakes Kaydance Lane Needs Mobility Van - Please Vote!

Kawartha Lakes Mums - Your Click Can Help Kaydance!

Update: Tammy at InR Dream is hosting a Giveaway to help more people find out about voting for Kaydance. See the link to the giveaway at the bottom of this post.
Kaydance Lane, Lindsay, Ontario needs your votes to help her win a wheelchair accessible vehicle.
Will you help spread the word and vote?  Last year we tried to help Kaydance get the most votes, can you help Kaydance succeed this year? You can get bonus votes by answering trivia questions, so first choose the option for a bonus vote, then vote yourself! Spread the word! Get everyone voting! Voting ends May 9, 2014 so hurry! Encourage your family, friends, and co-workers to vote for the Local Hero you think is most deserving to win a custom Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle. Kaydance of Lindsay, Kawawrtha Lakes sure would appreciate your vote!
Here is a message from Kaydance's mum:
Kaydance Lane in Wheelchair in her Kawartha Lakes Home image linked to 2014 mobility voting contest
Help Kaydance Lane Kawartha Lakes - Vote!
I would like to nominate my beautiful daughter, Kaydance. Since Kaydance was born she has faced so many obstacles. Some she has overcome, some she continues to work on and she is faced with new obstacles everyday. But one thing always remains the same- she always has a smile on her face. Although she can be shy, people seem to gravitate towards her because she has such a kind heart and gentle nature. Kaydance enjoys her independence. Being able to use her power wheelchair is the main way she is able to be her own person and not have to count on anyone else. All Kaydance wants is to be like everyone else, and be part of a community. She loves to dance- and taking dance lessons is something she talks about on a daily basis. Just something as simple as going grocery shopping with me is something that Kaydance would love to do. But not having a proper vehicle to transport her chair makes things as simple as that, near impossible for us. As any parent does- I only want what is best for my children. I want to help Kaydance to reach her full potential – she has big dreams just like any other child. And this van could help make her dreams come true. Living with Cerebral Palsy is an everyday struggle, but Kaydance is the most amazing person I know – and I wouldnt change her for the world. But just think how much you could change her world by voting for her! Thank you so much to the people who have made this contest possible. You are bringing awareness to a great cause, one that my family and I hold near and dear to our hearts. Thank You!!!
Vote for Kaydance or find out more at
Enter the InRDream  Proctor and Gamble Beauty Giveaway at

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  1. Get an extra vote today!
    Who are the spokes people for national Mobility awareness month?
    Our search results: (Ad will show before destination page)

  2. Did you know People with disabilities are the largest minority group in the United States?

  3. Today's tip for an extra vote:

    When considering purchasing a WAV – wheelchair accessible vehicle, you should first evaluate your needs, lifestyle and daily routine, establish a budget and educate yourself about the several mobility options available for people with disabilities.

    Makes sense to me!

  4. Get an extra vote by answering an easy question about fundraising today.

    Would they suggest community fundraising to help purchase a mobility vehicle?

    What ways can you think of fundraising to help Kaydance?

  5. I am crossing my fingers Kaydance wins! Been voting everyday!

  6. Thanks Tammy and Thank you also for the great Giveaway you are running on your blog to help draw attention to Kaydance's needs.

  7. Todays question to get an extra vote is tricky watch out for double negatives!

    Did you know:A driver that plans to regularly carry a passenger with a disability should contact their local NMEDA dealer before purchasing a wheelchair accessible vehicle? Not doing so can cause harm to passengers, the driver and others on the road.

  8. Today's question for an extra answer was really difficult for me.
    I found the answer on this page


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