
Thursday 10 April 2014

Kawartha Lakes 2014 Flood Watch Continues Over Weekend! - More Road Closures [Map]

More Kawartha Lakes Road Closures With Continued Flood Watch!

Kawartha Conservation Authorities advised us Kawartha Lakes Flood Watch will be in effect over the weekend. Are you battening down the hatches? More roads have been added to our 2014 Flood Road Closures Map. How are you keeping  a close eye on children when they are outside playing?
Also on Kawartha Lakes Mums:
Warm weather and more rainfall are two main factors in the expected big water levels. The message was sent to us on the basis of information received from:
 Kawartha Conservation Flood Forecasting Network
 Ministry of Natural Resources - Surface Water Monitoring Centre
 Environment Canada
 Trent-Severn Waterway

2014 Flooding Closes 5 Kawartha Lakes Roads

Map of City of Kawartha Lakes 2014 Road Closures screen shot linked to interactive map
2014 Kawartha Lakes Flooding Road Closures
We have added more Kawartha Lakes road closures to our 2014 Kawartha Lakes Flood Road Closures Map,  Currently, sections of the following roads have been closed due to flooding or dangerous road conditions:

  • Cameron Road
  • Sandringham Road
  • Black River Road
  • Kings Wharf Road
  • Prospect Road
How are you and your friends faring? We've had reports of flooded basements in Lindsay. Are your belongings soggy or safe?
Would you like to see where these roads are? Just click the picture of the map for an updated interactive map.

Here is the Flood Watch announcement issued by Kawartha Conservation:

Kawartha Conservation Continues Flood Watch Advisory Over Weekend

Kawartha Conservation advises that a Flood Watch remains in effect for the Kawartha Conservation watershed. Local watercourses are flowing at high water levels and greater than usual velocities in response to the runoff
from melting snow and precipitation received earlier this week.
Remnants of the snowpack are still present across the watershed, especially in forested and shadowed areas. Ground surfaces are wet and runoff storage spaces, such as low-lying areas, road ditches, and other ground depressions, are filled with water. The weather forecast calls for air temperature as high as +13 C for the next three days; 5 to 10 mm of rain is predicted for the Kawartha Conservation watershed over the next 24 hours.
Under these weather conditions snow will continue melting. Runoff from snowmelt, coupled with rain and limited storage capacity will maintain elevated water levels and velocities in local rivers and streams. Water accumulation in areas adjacent to watercourses, road ditches, and areas with poor drainage will persist.
All local rivers, streams and lakes will continue to be extremely dangerous. Riverbanks are very slippery and unsafe. Ice cover, where it exists, is weak, unstable and increasingly hazardous. Kawartha Conservation is warning all residents to stay off of ice and away from water bodies, as well as water structures such as bridges, culverts, and dams. Children should be warned of dangerous conditions and caregivers should maintain a close watch on children who are outside.
Municipalities are advised to closely monitor areas known for flooding and be prepared to respond to high water situations as they occur. Residents are advised to contact their municipalities should a flood threat develop. Local municipalities are first to respond to and assist with flood emergencies.

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