
Monday 23 February 2015

Monday Feb 23rd Lindsay Mega Jail Chaplain Speaking In Omemee!

Frank Loo - Speaking At Omemee Christian Outreach Monday February 23rd!

Frank Loo, Chaplain for the Lindsay Mega Jail will be speaking at Omemee Christian Outreach Monday February 23  at 1 King Street West, in the Coronation Hall -  that's on the north-west corner of Highway 7 and Sturgeon Road.
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Who is Frank Loo?
Reverend Frank sent the following bio to us:


Lindsay Mega Jail Chaplain Rev. Frank Loo
Since giving his life to the lord in 1999, Reverend Frank Andrew Loo has been an active minister of God in South America, the Caribbean and North America. Frank is currently residing in Canada with his wife Anna and son Judah and together they all serve in ministry.
While his wife is very knowledgeable in computer technology and helps him often with his presentations, Judah is already an anointed drummer. Frank is a passionate worshipper and self-taught musician and along with his family’s skill set they have been a blessing in various churches touching and enriching peoples’ lives.
 Rev. Frank Loo is a dynamic and unique teacher/preacher of God’s word and has been used mightily by God, expounding the bible and revealing nuggets of truth for practical Christian living here on earth.
 Frank is also an Ordained Minister and holds 2 Diplomas – one in Pastoral Theology and the other in Ministerial Theology. One of Rev. Loo’s main passions is serving in prison and he has over 16 years of experience in prison ministry in various parts of the world including Guyana, Antigua & Barbuda and Canada. He firmly believes in the practical demonstration of God’s love.
 As an active servant of God, Reverend Frank, as he is affectionately called, has had the privilege of serving people in various capacity as a friend, minister, counsellor, leader, teacher and preacher.
 One of his favourite scriptures is, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13(NKJV) 
Are you curious about what it is like to be a Chaplain at a Mega Jail? What would you like to ask Reverend Frank? We're hoping to book hime for a Facebook chat in the near future. What would you like to ask him?
The Facebook event details can be found at : Omemee Christian Outreach events.
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