
Tuesday 3 March 2015

Rosedale Kawartha Lakes Mum Shares UN Status of Women Adventures

2015 Commission on the Status of Women Reporting by Judy Dickson Kawartha Lakes 

Judy Dickson, of Rosedale, Kawartha Lakes Ontario is enroute to the United Nations 2015 Commission on the Status of Women and will be sharing her adventures at the UN through her blog, Facebook page and Twitter account.
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What's special about the 2015 Commission on the Status of Women?
Here's some information adapted from Judy's Blog:

2015 UN  Commission on the Status of Women 

2015 Commission on the status of Women begins Monday March 9 after several months of preparation for the estimated 10,000 women will arrive in New York City shortly. One of these women will be Judy Dickson of Rosedale Kawartha Lakes.
2015 will be very different from previous years for several reasons. Firstly, the agreement will be finalized the first day of the Commission. UN Women has been convening regional meetings and leading negotiations since fall. A draft statement was released in the new year and several subsequent drafts have been issued, watch Judy's blog for the final draft.
2015 is the 20th anniversary of the agreement called the Beijing Platform for Action. In 1995, a reported 30,000 women arrived in a village near Beijing which had been created just for the First World conference on Women. This was a record size for any Commission before or since. The Platform was developed to improve the way of life for women all around the world. It advocated for the end to violence against women, equal access to health care, education, employment and much more. You can google the agreement if you want more details.

Rosedale Kawartha Lakes Mum-
UN Status of Women Blogger
 On Tuesday, March 10 Judy plans to attend a presentation by 2 or 3 women who were in Beijing. and she will try to capture the essence of the presentation for her blog readers.
Keep your eye on TV news. Several thousand women, men, girls and boys will march from various parts of Manhattan to Times Square to mark World Woman's Day. They have planned it well and hope that it will be the largest such event in New York City. the march starts at 2:30 and arrives in Times square at 4 pm. with speeches etc until 5. It should be exciting.
Judy is on her way to New York now, and is scheduling 3 days of R & R on Long Island with wonderful friends that she made at the UN and will check into her hotel in Manhattan on Friday to begin work in earnest. Be sure to follow Judy Dickson's blog: United Nations Adventures with Judy.
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