
Friday 10 April 2015

April 18th Kawartha Lakes One Day Retreat for Women!

Women of Destiny Host Retreat in Cameron Kawartha Lakes! 

April 18th Women of Destiny will hold a one day Spring Retreat for Women to connect with each other and reconnect with God.
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Would you like to join in this day?
Here are the details.

Women of Destiny Spring Retreat 

All women are welcome to join in the Women of Destiny Full Day Spring Retreat beginning at 9:30 am.  on April 18th,  2015 at the Historic Cameron School House in Cameron, Kawartha Lakes Ontario.
Do you long for a stronger connection with the Lord?
Want to connect with other Christian women?
Looking to be renewed?
Women of Destiny offers a one day retreat in beautiful Cameron Kawartha Lakes at the Historic Cameron School House.
A time of restoration for women.
Come be renewed in your connection with the Lord.
God wants to raise up Handmaidens of the Lord!
God wants to do a new thing and show his power and glory to women as He Raises them up into their God given destinies.
Limited seating available
This is a Free Event so no women will be turned away due to financial reasons. To keep prices down participants are asked to bring the following:

  • A Brown bag lunch to enjoy at noon.
  • One item from the following list: package of toilet paper, package of paper towels, package of styrofoam plates, package of styrofoam cups, package of ziploc bags, package of styrofoam dessert plates.
  • A free will offering will be taken for the speakers's expenses.
You are also welcome to bring information for the networking table. Come join in the Praise and Worship and be inspired.
image map 5 Cameron Road,  Kawatha Lakes Ontario
Historic Cameron School House - 5 Cameron Road Kawartha Lakes Ontario

Seating and parking are limited. Car pooling may be available. Please leave a confidential comment with your contact information on My Christian Contemplations : Women of Destiny Retreat

What do you look for in a women's retreat?
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