
Friday 18 December 2015

Alert! Fraud Hits Kawartha Lakes Again!

Kawartha Lakes Mums Asks How Do Your Protect Yourself from Fraud? 

Kawartha Lakes Police services are warning area residents about two more recent fraud incitents. FTC Disclosure: Kawartha Lakes Mums welcomes family friendly advertising including affiliate links that meet our editorial guidelines. This helps us put food on our table at no additional cost to our readers.
Area residents continue to be victimised by telephone, text and internet fraud attempts. Have you heard of these scams

Kawartha Lakes Police Services Warn Aginst Fraud Attempts!

 Two more incidents of fraud were reported to Kawartha Lakes police. Police were contacted as a Lindsay area man reported that he had received a cheque in the mail for $1900.00 which turned out to be fraudulent. It was requested that the victim participate in a "mystery shopper" program where the victim is to cash the cheque that is mailed to them. They then are requested to use some of the funds to buy certain products and return the remainder of the cash to the sender. The cheque is fraudulent and the victim is out the money obtained from the fraudulent cheque.
In a second incident reported yesterday, the victim had been scammed of money while trying to purchase a dog from the popular buy and sell website, Kijiji. While attempting to purchase the dog the victim had sent a quantity of cash to the seller. In return, the seller was to ship the dog. Unfortunately, the ad is a scam and the victim is out the money that has been sent. Police remind residents to try and avoid sending money before you have actually seen the product in person. Most of the time the money is sent to an offshore address, making it very difficult to investigate and or seek any form of compensation for the victim.
How do you protect yourself from fraud?
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