
Saturday 16 January 2016

Kawartha Lakes Mum - Alerts School Board to Dangerous Bus Stop!

Kawartha Lakes Mums - Tammy Seeks Safe Bus Stop for Children! 

Tammy Mitchell, a Kawartha Lakes Mum is looking for people to help support her request for a safe school bus stop for some elementary Kawartha Lakes children FTC Disclosure: Kawartha Lakes Mums welcomes family friendly advertising including affiliate links that meet our editorial guidelines. This helps us put food on our table at no additional cost to our readers.
Could you help by sending messages to the Trillium Lakelands District School Board?
Here is the press releas Here is the post created byTammmy on YouTube.

Tammy Mitchell here, a mother of four children (4,6,7 and 9) who attend Public School in Trillium Lakelands District School Board.
Since August 2015, we have been dealing with an issue regarding some changes that were made to my little children’s school bus route. These changes risk my children’s life every time they stand where they are directed to stand by TLDSB waiting for their school bus.
So much so, a police report has been filed when my daughter was feet away from being hit by a car at our bus stop. I have been thrown around like a baton with everyone I speak to in terms of TLDSB.
December 2015 TLDSB Director of Business Larry Hope denied our request to present to the Chair's Council meeting and the superintendent Bob Kaye has told us face to face, they will not change the bus stop.
At this point, I am actually losing faith in the school board and don’t believe they stand by their mission “Students are the focus of our system”.
I am looking for a voice who can help me show TLDSB, that it is common sense not to ask 5 children to stand in an intersection, on an S-bend of a busy high traffic area.
I need a voice who can see the snow covered ditch we are expected to stand in is now, forcing us to stand on the road.
I need a voice who understands that keeping your children safe is a mother's job and that is exactly what I am trying to fight for my children’s safety.
I need a voice who can clearly see that walking to the bus stop over a steep blind hill, through no parking zones with 4 small children in tow should cause red flags. I need a voice who will stop throwing me around like a baton and help me fight to keep my children safe. We have police reports, documents, written letters, email communications, a case file that clearly shows facts as to why these changes are unsafe. I pray daily that our voices will be heard.
Please help us, help our children
by emailing your concerns to:
or directly to the Superintendent
of Business Bob Kaye: Bob.Kaye@TLDSB.ON.CA
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