
Saturday 20 February 2016

Americans Legally Collecting CPP? Agora Financial Ad Misleading!

Kawartha Lakes Mums Warn About Misleading Agaora Financial Advertising!

Kawartha Lakes Mums Sherrie G. sent in this excellent tip. Sherrie received an email from what she believed was a reliable source. It contained an advertorial by Agora Financial touting their ability to help people "legally piggy back on the Canada Pension Plan without ever having lived or worked in Canada.
Is this true?
FTC Disclosure: Kawartha Lakes Mums welcomes family friendly advertising including affiliate links that meet our editorial guidelines. This helps us put food on our table at no additional cost to our readers.
If you receive this email file it under junk.
 Here is the email and how we discovered this is simply an advertising ploy by Agora Financial.

By the way it has been reported to the Canadian Government and the Agora Financial Ad is under investigation.

Can Americans collect 'Canadian Social Security'? 

In a word - No!
There are several articles about the advetorial placed by Agora Financial that several websites are sending out as a third party offer.
The Agora Financial Advertorial reads as follows:
Dear Reader,
 We recently released the results of a six-month investigation into a growing trend here in America...
In short, a savvy group of Americans have figured out a way to legally piggy back "Canadian Social Security."
And these folks are now earning monthly investment income checks from $400 to $4,700 as a result.
For example, Sara Yaeger -- a secretary from Texas -- is now earning $2,900 per month in income... And Carol Alderman, a widow with two children, averages more than $1,200 in income. (You can click here to see more incredible stories.)
So what is "Canadian Social Security"?
It's an "old age" benefit program just like we have here in the states... only (from what we've discovered), it's far superior.
For example... While the U.S. social security program is set to be bankrupt by 2032...
Funding for the Canadian version is set to QUADRUPLE by the year 2040. (Just look at the chart on the right.)
But here's the kicker...
What we discovered is that you don't need to live, work or even visit Canada to begin earning income by piggybacking the program.
And you can earn thousands in additional retirement income without affectingyour U.S. Social Security benefits!
You can read our full investigation... and discover how to begin earning income by clicking here.
Joe Schriefer
Publisher, Agora Financial
 How can Agora Financial get away with writing such tripe?
The key phrases here are:

  • legally piggy back "Canadian Social Security."
  •  these folks are now earning monthly investment income checks
My understanding of these phrases is  they are saying they are copying the investment strategy  that Canada  Pension Plan is using.. Nowhere do they state American Citzens are receiving Canada Pension Plan.
Several websites have posted articles stating the reactions of government officials to the misleading advertising to read their stories check out the related links below.

Related Links
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