
Sunday 14 August 2016

5 Ways Our Grandparents Beat Drought Water Restrictions!

Kawartha Lakes Families - How Do You Save Water? 

Facing drought water restrictions?City of Kawartha Lakes just implemented stage one drinking water retrictions. However, should the drought continue, and water usage remain high, stage two restrictions could come into effect.
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Do you find it surprising that with all the water surrounding homes in City of Kawartha Lakes, we would ever have to be concerned about a drought?
The problem is, most homes in City of Kawartha Lakes are set up to use perfectly good drinking water for tasks that could be acomplished with reclaimed or grey water. This post has ideas from our grandparents to cut consumption of potable water as well as the press release from City of Kawartha Lakes. Did you know -When our grandparents had to pump well water by hand, we used much less drinking water for other tasks.
How did they do it?
Some of these old water conservation methods are making a comeback in new fangled ways.

5 Ways Our Grandparents Saved Water 

1.Our grandparents did not use drinking water in their toilets.

While many people in drought stricken areas are being encouraged to pee in their shower, if that grosses you out another alternative is utilizing a low flow toilet or chemical toilet. Some enterprising home owners have even been able to reroute bath and laundry water to their toilets.
2. Our grandparents collected rain water for gardens.With mosquitoes being problematic,  you may want to opt for an updated version of a rain barrel that prevents mosquitoes.

Premium 50 Gallon Rain Barrel Kit - $69.00

Retail Price: $119.00
You Save: $50.00
  Did you know some come with drip irrigation adapters?
3.Our grandparents reused laundry water. Are you old enough to remember the old wringer washers where you would save the rinse water from the whites to wash your darks? Some homeowners have rerouted laundry water to use for flushing toilets. Another interesting development is the EcoWasher Pro
4.Our grandparents reused dish washing water. Did you know some dishwashers use less water than washing dishes by hand? It sure surprised us! If you don't have a dishwasher consider doing your dishes in plastic buckets and using the rinse water and bleach water to wash your floors or flush the toilet.
5.Our grandparents did not leave a tap running while brushing their teeth. Nope, they didn't have running water. They had a tumbler of water and used that to rinse their mouth and toothbrush. Next time you're brushing your teeth, try a little experiment. Put the plug in the sink and see how much water you are using while brushing your teeth. Is it more or less than a tooth tumbler?
If we all conserve drinking water on a daily basis, we should not have any problems meeting drinking water needs in City of Kawartha Lakes.
What other ways do you conserve drinking water?

City of Kawartha Lakes Phase One Water Restrictions 

 NEWS RELEASE August 12, 2016 For Immediate Release Phase-One Water Restrictions implemented in Kawartha Lakes KAWARTHA LAKES– Due to extended drought and resultant low water levels throughout the City of Kawartha Lakes, Phase-One Water Restrictions are being implemented.
The following Municipal Drinking Water Systems are on Phase-One Water Restrictions:

  •  Lindsay 
  •  Birch Point/Highview Acres 
  • Bobcaygeon Canadiana Shores 
  • Fenelon Falls 
  •  Janetville 
  •  King’s Bay 
  •  Kinmount
  •  Manorview (Bethany) 
  •  Mariposa Estates 
  •  Norland
  •  Pinewood (Pontypool) 
  •  Pleasant Point 
  •  Sonya 
  •  Southview Estates 
  •  Victoria Glen (Omemee) 
  •  Victoria Place  
  • Western Trent 
  •  Woodfield (Bethany) 
  •  Woods of Manilla 
  •  Woodville
 In Accordance With BY-LAW 2011-260 Phase-One Water Restrictions include:

  •  Residents with odd-numbered municipal addresses can water their lawns, flower beds, gardens, trees and shrubs on odd numbered days only 
  • Residents with even-numbered municipal addresses can water their lawns, flower beds, gardens, trees and shrubs on even numbered days only 
  • Watering can only take place between 6 am – 9 am or 7 pm – 10 pm 
Although rain is in the forecast for the next several days, it will not be enough to bring water levels up to the normal seasonal level. Restrictions are in effect until further notice.

Water Conservation

Precipitation over the last several months has reached the lowest level in more than ten years. As a result, Kawartha Conservation has recently declared a Low Water Condition within its watershed.
Residential, agricultural and commercial water users on both municipal systems and private wells are asked to do their part to voluntarily conserve water. Using water faster than it can replenish itself will lead to serious water shortages in the future.
Contact :David Kerr, Manager of Environmental Services 705-324-9411 extension 1118 or Amber Hayter, Supervisor of Environmental Services at extension 1120.
 How are you coping with this recent drought?
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