
Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Kawartha Lakes Changes Early Childhood Education Programs!

Kawartha Lakes Families Your Opinions Wanted for Early Childhood Programming!

Over the next few months, City of Kawartha Lakes staff will be consulting withe parents and staff of early education support services to determine the needs of residents as they prepare to implement required provincial plans to integrate various early years services.
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What does this mean for your family?
When will the changes be implemented?

Here is the press release from City of Kawartha Lakes.

City Prepares for New Early Childhood Programs

February 2016, the Minister of Education announced provincial plans to integrate and transform four Ministry of Education funded child and family programs into a new system of services and supports for children ages 0 - 6 and their families, known as Ontario Early Years Child and Family Centres (CFCs).The Child and Family Centres will provide free programming for children to support their social, emotional, cognitive, communication and physical development. These no cost programs will also support parents and caregivers as their children's first and most important teachers.

Beginning in 2018, the City of Kawartha Lakes will be responsible for the implementation and management of the new CFCs as part of our service system management responsibilities for the City and the County of Haliburton.

New provincial planning guidelines have been developed and include information relating to the vision and guiding principle, intended outcomes, core services, customized community connections, service delivery methods, service providers and staffing, early years community planning processes, data analysis services, service planning considerations and local needs assessments.

In the coming months City staff will be consulting with early years partners, parents and caregivers to gather information to assist with the completion a local needs assessment and to collect relevant information related to service provision for children ages 0 - 6. The resulting implementation plan will be presented to City Council in 2017.

For more information about the OEYCFC's please visit their website
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