
Saturday 3 September 2016

Important Safety Precaution Many Parents Miss!

Kawartha Lakes Mums Asks : what Back to School Safety Precautions Does Your Family Take? 

Back to School brings a unique set of situations that place our children - both youngsters and college students at risk.
How can we minimize these risks? City of Kawartha Lakes issued a list of some suggestions, but it lacked one extremely important precaution the Ontario Provincial Police emphasize - protecting your children from online predators.
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We had hoped there would have been a mention of the OPP cautions about posting back to school photos of children online.
 When parents post photos of children online specifying locations - for example a picture with the school or their address in the background it makes the children more vulnerable to predators.
 Carrie Lansing of the OPP has created an excellent presentation about protecting children online.
 Here is the press release from City of Kawartha Lakes.

Back to school safety reminders for the community.

On Tuesday September 6, thousands of children and youth across Kawartha Lakes will return to school. The City is reminding motorists to give themselves extra time heading out Tuesday morning and to be cautious around school crossings and buses.
 “We want to remind motorists that there will be a lot more pedestrian traffic as classes start up again and school buses will be making frequent stops,” said Transit Supervisor Enzo Ingribelli. “We are asking motorists to give themselves extra traveling time this season.” 
The City of Kawartha Lakes is reminding students and residents of the following safety and tips.

 Road Safety 

 Kawartha Lakes’ school crossing guards use a three-whistle system at school crossings for increased safety of our school crossing guards, students and other pedestrians crossing the road. Drivers and cyclists are asked to learn the three-whistle system:
 1. First Whistle: The school crossing guard blows the first whistle, enters the roadway, holds up the stop sign, and ensures that traffic has stopped. Children and pedestrians stay on the sidewalk until the school crossing guard blows the second whistle.
 2. Second Whistle: The school crossing guard blows the second whistle when it is safe for the children and pedestrians to cross.
 3. Third Whistle: Once the children have safely crossed the roadway, the school crossing guard leaves the roadway. Once safely off the roadway, the guard blows the third whistle to signify the crossing has ended and traffic can proceed.
 To help ensure the safety of our crossing guards, students and other pedestrians, motorists are reminded to take special care while driving and to follow these safety reminders:

  •  Be observant of children when in a school area and be ready to stop at all times. 
  • Be patient and wait for children to complete their crossing before proceeding. 
  • Reduce speed in schools zones. 
  • Stop when a stop paddle is held up by a crossing guard. 
  • Be mindful of children walking around your vehicle and of other vehicles. 
  • Never text while driving. 

Fire Safety 

 Welcome home to the thousands of students moving or returning to Kawartha Lakes for the upcoming school year. Kawartha Lakes Fire Rescue reminds students that they need to be mindful of fire safety in their new dwellings. Post-secondary students moving into rented or shared accommodations need to discuss the importance of fire and life safety with their parents or caregivers. Good fire safety practices can help to ensure that this exciting time in a student’s life is not marred by a fire tragedy. Every student should know how to prevent a fire. Follow these safety tips to help prevent a fire in their student residence:

  • Look while you cook: Never leave cooking unattended. 
  • Candle with care: If candles are used, keep them away from anything that can burn and place them in a safe, sturdy holder. Extinguish candles before leaving a room. 
  • Smoke outside: Empty ashes and cigarette butts into metal containers. 
  • Working smoke alarms – it’s the law: Ensure that working smoke alarms are present on every storey of your residence, test them monthly, and notify the landlord immediately if they do not work. It is a provincial offence to disable a smoke alarm. 
  • Working carbon monoxide alarms: Ensure that working carbon monoxide alarms are present on every storey of your residence, test them monthly, and notify the landlord immediately if they do not work. This invisible, odourless and undetectable gas is caused by incomplete combustion and is deadly. 
  • Never leave laptops on a bed. The batteries may overheat and cause a fire. Use quality CSA approved power bars, not extension cords. 
  • Plan to escape: Know two ways out of your room or apartment in case of fire. If you discover a fire, call 911 from a safe location outside. 
For more information on fire prevention, contact Kawartha Lakes Fire Services at 705-324-5731.

On and Off Campus Personal Safety 

  • Walk in pairs, especially at night. 
  • Walk in well lit areas and know the locations of safe areas. 
  • Program the numbers for Campus Security and City of Kawartha Lakes Police into your phones. 
  • Do not go to events or parties alone, bring a friend. 
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