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Tuesday, 7 May 2013

May 6-10 Hunger Awareness Week - Help!

Kawartha Lakes Food Source asks 'Give It Up' for Hunger !

Will you  help raise awareness of food need in Canada during Hunger Awareness Week May 6-10?
Kawartha Lakes Food Source aka KLFS is proud to be participating in the Give It Up for Hunger campaign to mark Hunger Awareness Week, May 6-10, 2013.

What is Hunger Awareness Week?

Hunger Awareness Week is a week-long initiative that challenges Canadians to learn more about the issue of hunger, the important work of food banks and to take action. In Kawartha Lakes, KLFS and its members provide emergency food to an average of 2,000 individuals per month, 40% of whom are children. In addition, fresh fruit is purchased for 15 school breakfast programs. All across the country, Canadians are being encouraged to Give It Up for Hunger during Hunger Awareness Week.

  Kawartha Lakes Hunger Awareness Week Events

May 8 Give It Up - 3 Steps

What does ‘giving it up’ really mean? It’s as easy as three simple steps:
  1.  Give It Up – Close to 900,000 Canadians have had to rely on food banks this past month. On May 8th, we’re asking Canadians to understand what it’s like to have food out of reach by fasting for a day and giving up breakfast, lunch and dinner. 
  2. Give a Shout – Share your experience by going online to show your support via Facebook, Twitter, #hungerawareness or #hungerawarenessweek , a blog. 
  3. Give It Out – Donate food, funds or your time to your local food bank. 

May 9  Lindsay Food Drive

KLFS and LaMantia’s Country Fresh Market will host a food drive on Thursday May 9th from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Together, Canadians can make an impact on the solvable issue of hunger in Canada and find solutions to hunger in communities across Canada.

May 10 - 21 Hunger E Auction

Donate an Auction item or bid on items. Funds raised support Kawartha Lakes Food Source.Donate a prize or See more information on the Hunger E Auction Supporting Kawartha Lakes Food Source

May 10 Bobcaygeon Hunger Awareness Day

Two locations Valu Mart and Foodland  10 am to 4 pm.

May 6-10 Give a Like

There are several companies making contributions this week in exchange for Facebook Likes.
  • Locally, PB+J, a Lindsay Design Firm, is donating $1 for each Like PB+J  Facebook page gets.May 6-10 Today PB + J has 170 likes how many will they have by the end of the week?

  • Nationally, Life Made Delicious donated 500,000 cans of Green Giant Green beans to Canada Food Banks 2 for each Like Canada Food Banks Facebook page receuved on May 6 .
Want to help? Register your Hunger Awareness Week Event , take the Hunger Week Quiz , or send a Hunger Awareness Week eCard

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