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Welcome to Kawartha Lakes Mums!

Kawartha Lakes Mums connects families of all compositions to each other and highlights family-friendly resources available to people living in City of Kawartha Lakes, Ontario, Canada.
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Kawartha Lakes Mums - Where Are You?

City of Kawartha Lakes, Ontario Canada covers a huge mostly rural area 3,083.06 km2 with a population density of 23.7 people per square kilometer. It consists of former Victoria County, and the urban areas within it. With amalgamation, it became one area, and was renamed the City of Kawartha Lakes.
Visit Kawartha Lakes Ontario Canada Kawartha means shining waters
City of Kawartha Lakes: Ontario Canada

Amalgamation, and the naming of the area created a lot of controversy, but we will not get into that here.

Which Communities Comprise City of Kawartha Lakes? 

City of Kawartha Lakes is comprised of many vital communities. Our links list of City of Kawartha Lakes Community businesses, events and organizations is being updated daily. Please see our City of Kawartha Lakes Communities list.

Kawartha Lakes Mums Connections

We offer a variety of ways for people to connect online including:

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  1. Well, I've lived in several areas of Kawartha Lakes including a mixed family farm, and a small business in Omemee.
    Today I'm posting from Lindsay. Where are you?

  2. Looking forward to great gift and creative ideas for my driver training classes.

    1. Happy to source some for you.
      Are you looking for driver training gift ideas for students or instructors in training?


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