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Sunday, 5 May 2013

Kinmount: Highland Cinemas New Fun Exhibits!

Kawartha Lakes Mums - Have You Explored Highlands Cinemas Kinmount? 

 Kinmount Highlands Cinemas re-opened this weekend newly upgraded to digital, plus new additions to their movie theatre museum.
Once you take a virtual visit, you will find it on your must do list too.

Kinmount Highland Cinemas - New 2013 Exhibits 

image Kawartha Lakes Highlands Cinema Kinmount Interior of one theatre showing large screen, in art deco surroundings from a ceiling medallion to long burgundy drapes.
Highlands Cinemas Kinmount
5 Theatres in including
this Grand Art Deco
Kinmount Highlands Cinemas nestled in the pines on the edge of Kinmount, boasts not only five movie screens, but a 4,000 sq. ft museum. Highlands Cinemas Museum details the last 100 years in the development of the Motion Picture Projector, and everyday items, from clothing, to toys, movie memorabilia, and more.
Over the winter, they have been extremely busy at Highlands Cinemas with new exhibit installations and upgrading sound in ALL five theatres, switching ALL 5 screens to digital, replacing the speakers in #2, and responding to over 3,000 requests for Movie posters!

Christmas Memories and Horror Hall

image Highlands Cinemas Kawartha Lakes brass magic lantern with glass slides
Brass Magic Lantern
Highlands Cinemas Museum Kinmount
Features Numerous Cinematic Treasures 
Memory Lane, which holds such treasures as this rare antique Magic Lantern, will now welcome visitors with a Christmas Theme, displaying items from that special time of year from days gone by. What are some of your favourite classic Christmas Movies? The popular Horror Hall, has new additions too!
Kinmount Highlands Cinemas at 4131 County Road 121, Kinmount Kawartha Lakes,Ontario  is a rare treasure trove where you can explore moving picture history and legends, then for a bit extra, enjoy a first run movie in a unique setting! Explore Highlands Cinema website, today!

What's Playing at Highlands Cinemas?

Highlands Cinemas re-opened May 3, 2013 with a star studded cast in IronMan 3 including Robert Downie Junior . Coming attractions include: The Great Gatsby with Leonardo Dicaprio; Oblivion with Tom Cruise; and Star Trek Into Darkness starring Chris Pine.Check their website for current shows and times.

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