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Saturday, 11 June 2016

God Presents Kawartha Lakes Mums!

God Brings Kawartha Lakes Mums!
New Update: Being Added re- flooded basement, no water for showers and gas shut off notice.
Some of you know Kawartha Lakes Mums was birthed out of a little online ezine called Omemee Pigeon eFlyer.
A member of the Lindsay and District Chamber of Commerce, who lived in Omemee, contacted me and said,
"Kawartha Lakes needs someone to do what you are doing for Omemee businesses, could you create publicity for Kawartha Lakes?"
Many people are surprised to discover City of Kawartha Lakes has never contributed one red cent towards the advertising we provide for local businesses and organizations.

Not receiving funding through City of Kawartha Lakes has allowed us to freely critique the management of marketing and the online presence for our area provided by city employees.
We have frequently criticized city employees - inaccessible venues and website, poor grammar, promoting outside businesses over local businesses, cronyism, and so forth.
The funds for providing the Internet connection to dste have come out of pocket and a small portion from Share A Sale and Google Ad sense.
Two months ago, things took a very serious turn.
I  was diagnosed with uterine cancer.
Here is the editorial I just posted on Omemee Pigeon eFlyer.
God Brings Omemee Pigeon eFlyer!
Editorial - Suzanne Sholer B.A.B.Ed.
Two months ago, I was suddenly diagnosed with  uterine cancer and needed emergency surgery.
How would we keep a roof over our heads or food  on the table when I  could not work at my new  job?
We reached out via an online fundraising campaign with a modest goal of $500 - $1 for each person for whom I had provided hours of  free writing, advertising or Social Media work.
Often many people had said "Thanks, I "ll take you out for a coffee sometime."
So a virtual coffee was our goal.
$1 from each person for the years of writing I had done.
Through all my social media accounts, I have over 20,000 people who read my writing. If just 500 people each bought me a coffee, it would be a big help.
Not One Person Would Buy Us a Coffee
I  would like to  say the fundraiser was a great success.
However, other than a few people liking the posts and a couple sharing it, there was NO response.
Nada, zilch, nothing.
Two months later, we are back online.
Through the grace of God.
First the bad news:
I  fell and hit my head after surgery, so have had vertigo and "crickets" in my ears for months.
Even nodding my head has been a great challenge - walking even more difficult.
My daughter had to be hospitalized, so it is myself and her cat.
A PSW comes twice a week for 30 minutes to help me change and shower, and a physiotherapist just started coming once a week to try and help get rid of the vertigo and restore the muscles that had to be sliced to save my life.
I  am thankfully covered by ODSP for Red Cross rides to the doctor. However, I  have no way to do laundry, get mail, groceries or even prescriptions.
At the beginning of June, we were  even going to lose our phone, which would mean no more PSW or physiotherapy.
In desperation I  prayed,
"Lord, our phone is supplied by a church in exchange for Web work,  If it is Your Will we have Internet so I  can do the work for the church, and  have this phone, I know You will supply the funds. If that is not Your Will, then I  am going to trust that You have a better plan."
Two days later, I  called the bank to check on our financial situation  and received a surprise.
Quickly, I called the gas company.
"Did you make a mistake in the amount you withdrew from our account yesterday for equal billing?:
"No, the amount is correct.You were one of the 9% of our customers who had their equal billing reduced."
I  was astounded.
The  reduction in the equal billing for gas was the amount we needed for Internet!
So, this post has definitely been brought to you by God.
Internet for this post has been graciously provided by God.
My improving health has been provided by God.
The ultrasound tech and the OBGYN  both say it was a miracle the uterine cancer was found so early - no chemo needed. Just semi-annual check ups.
The phone I typed this post on has been graciously provided by Cameron Community Church - so once again, by God.
If after reading, this you would like to help us pay someone to pick up groceries or presciptions, do laundry, or light housework, or take me to visit my daughter in hospital, the fundraiser is still open.
Could your business or organization use exposure on one of my blogs or social media platforms?
Do you perhaps need someone to send emails on your behalf?
Want advice on how to solve a social media problem, set up a LinkedIn profile, protect your privacy online?  Leave a confidential comment below.
Who will be the first to buy me that coffee?
Kawartha Lakes Mums offers Free and Paid Advertising Opportunities.

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