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Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Hot Diggity Budget Boosting Grilling Tips!

Kawartha Lakes Families How Do You Save When You  BBQ? 

Hosting a BBQ?
Whether you stay indoors and use an electric grill or fire up the outdoor propane or charcoal BBQ, or cook over a campfire, these coupons and tips may help you stretch your food budget.
FTC Disclosure: Kawartha Lakes Mums welcomes family friendly advertising including affiliate links that meet our editorial guidelines. This gives us a few  cents  and every penny helps.
In addition to great coupon savings, we have some tips for stretching your BBQ dollar further, so you can enjoy even more family BBQ's!
We discovered some great coupon savings that may help you "get your BBQ on" for almost free!

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What kind of coupon savings did we discover?
Quite a few great deals are currently available for your next BBQ!

July 19 2016 BBQ Coupons Savings Tips!

Yes it's BBQ season.
To  enjoy more BBQ's here are 5 BBQ savings Tips.

5 BBQ Savings Tips

 BBQ Savings Tip 1.Stretch Your meat. Grilling ribs, sausages or hotdogs? Do like the pros -boil them first! This plumps up the sausages and hot dogs, fooling the eye and the stomach into thinking it's had more to eat. Note: Keep them hot in a thermos if transporting to a BBQ site at one of the many parks in Kawartha Lakes.

BBQ Savings Tip 2. Use Reusables. Save the planet and your budget too by creating reusable napkins, and using reusable plates. A damp washcloth in a reusable container with a lid can be handy for sticky stuff.
Snapware Rebate Image from Checkout 51 Rebates $1
Eating away from home? Tote along a bin with a lid and wash the dishe! .  when you get home. Too much work? See the Royal Tiger Tough Paper Towels Coupon on our coupons page.

BBQ Savings Tip 3. Vary Your Menu with Veggies.
We were surprised at some of the things people a putting on their grills: lettuce, avocado, watermelon and more. Check out these great no meat BBQ recipes we blogged.

BBQ Savings Tip 4. Grow Your Side Dishes. You would be surprised at how much food you can grow even near a sunny windowsill. Now is a great time to get marked down veggies at garden places and they will often have vegetables that are closer to  maturity on them. Check out this post about  no space and small space gardening.

BBQ Savings Tip 5. Combine Coupon,  Sales and Rebates for Maximum Savings.
Checkout 51 Offers
We use :
Shop the markdown racks at the store for bread, buns, tomatoes, onions and condiments too. Note : These will need to be used that day or frozen.

Did you know there are Free Coupons on Kawartha Lakes Mums?

FREE BBQ Coupons on Kawartha Lakes Mums

On Kawartha Lakes Mums Coupon page we found free coupons for :

  • Pillars Meat
  • Hot dog buns
  • French's Ketchup
  • French's Fancy Mustards
  • French's Original Mustard
PLUS  a slew more!
Altogether there is over $270 in coupon savings on Kawartha Lakes Mums coupon page

What BBQ savings tips do you have?
Drop us a comment, or connect with us in one of these ways. We love chatting with our readers!:
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