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Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Insider Secret- TD Bank Omemee Wacky Tacky Fun Fundraiser!

image Omemee TD Bank Wacky Tacky Hair Week

Kawartha Lakes Mums - here's a fun Children's Miracle Network Fundraiser at TD Bank . All this week it is wacky tacky hair week! Make any size donation,and they will wear a wacky hair clip all day!

Today is Lindsay's birthday,so you'll want to be extra nice to her ;) !
Here is footage from Omemee TD Bank ,where we discovered this fun insider secret. Be sure to subscribe to KawarthaMumsTV so you will get Insider secret alerts,the minute they are uploaded!
Thursday,they will be having a cupcake sale,and right to the end of the month,a great book sale - 4 magazines for $1, or 2 books for $2.
Book donations welcome!

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