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Monday, 8 September 2014

David Suzuki @QueenofGreen Coaches Program - Will You Join?

Kawartha Lakes Mums Readers Do you Care For Our World? 

Kawartha Lakes - a beautiful area filled with lakes, rivers, forests and a tonne of animals. Are you interested in preserving our natural resources for future generations? Are you already taking steps to help? Do you sometimes wonder if anyone else cares? Are you curious about ways you can make a bigger impact? We have the opportunity to join a very special program with the Queen of Green from the David Suzuki Foundation. Would you like to join us?
Over the next few weeks David Suzuki Foundation volunteer coaches and teams will join together in exploring ways each of us can become a little greener and make a smaller footprint on the earth. I am pleased to have been selected as a coach for the David Suzuki Foundation Queen of Green Coaches program. Since each team is limited to five families, please leave a comment right away if you are interested in joining our Kawartha Lakes Mums Queen of Green team.

Queen of Green Coaches Program - Why Join?

Kawartha Lakes Mums JOins David Suzuki Foundation Queen of Green Coaches Program
David Suzuki Foundation Queen of Green Coaches Program Welcomes You
Want to connect with other families interested in reducing their footprint? Queen of Green Coaches program guides families like yours and mine in examining four aspects of greener living over the course of a 12 week period. The four themes in the Queen of Green Coaches Program are:
  • Waste,
  • Food,
  • Toxics, and 
  • Community.
To me, this program is about celebrating the little ways in which each of us is caring already caring for our planet, and supporting each other in taking steps towards lifestyle choices that have less impact on the earth. For more information about the Queen of Green Coaches Program, please see this invitation from the Queen of Green.

What are some ways you are taking care of the earth? Are you light green like us and wanting to become a deeper shade of green?
Drop us a comment, or connect with us in one of these ways. We would love to hear from you!:
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  1. Everyone should take steps to be more green. We only have one planet after all.

    1. So true. Most people do try to be a bit green. Even if it's recycling.
      We would like to become a bit greener ourselves, so we're hoping others will join us to share in our experiences of trying to be greener.


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