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Monday, 27 October 2014

#TI90Years Kawartha Lakes Toastmasters Open House October 29th !

Kawartha Lakes Toastmasters Welcomes Guests!

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 October 29 2014, Kawartha Lakes Toastmasters will host an Open House celebrating 90 years of Toastmasters from Noon to 1:00 PM at the Boys and Girls Club on Lindsay Street South, Lindsay Ontario. The Theme for this Open House will be “Speak Easy” Light Snacks… Impromptu speaking opportunities…make friends…enjoy the fun… What is Toastmasters?
Glad you asked!
Want to be better at negotiating your salary with your boss? Networking at business or social functions? Motivating co-workers - or your kids? Toastmasters offers leadership and communication skills training.

Toastmasters International - What Is It?

Kawartha Lakes Events- KAwartha Lakes Toastmasters Open House
Toastmasters International is a non-profit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network of meeting locations. It is one of the most cost-effective, skill-building and self-improvement tools available anywhere. Membership in Toastmasters International is open to everyone at least 18 years old.

Toastmasters - Why Join?

Your participation in Toastmasters will help you:
  • Increase your self-confidence! 
  • Become a better speaker! 
  • Become a better leader! 
  • Communicate more effectively! 
Toastmasters is made up of a group of people from all walks of life; who are improving their presentation skills by giving speeches and enhancing their leadership skills. As a club we encourage and help each other to improve speaking.

Toastmasters FAQ - How Do I Learn To Give Speeches?

There are manuals that everyone works from which gives individuals the direction and information they need to prepare speeches which will be presented to the club members.
"Toastmasters is helping people to become more successful as they search for better ways to improve their business and employment objectives while at the same time enhancing their self-esteem and the personal relationships that are an important part of their everyday lives." quote from our member, Del.

Toastmasters FAQ - What if I have Never Given a Speech Before?

 Never given a speech in front of a group of people? Perfect!! No experience is needed. You will have a mentor who will help you through - each step of the way. You will be given positive feedback!
"Toastmasters is contributing greatly when it comes to discovering ways of conquering the fears associated with public speaking and other endeavours that demand the proper application of the English language." quote from a member.

Kawartha Lakes Toastmasters FAQ - What Happens at These Meetings? 

Kawartha Lakes Toastmasters Welcomes You!
Kawartha Lakes Toastmasters meetings are once a week - on Wednesdays at noon (for one hour). Every week, someone has the opportunity to present a prepared speech and we also practise impromptu speaking or what we like to call 'table topics'. It's fun, and relaxing. Everyone is there to learn to enhance communication and leadership skills. Members support and encourage each other.

Kawartha Lakes Toastmasters FAQ - Can I come and watch and listen before I decide if I want to join?

Kawartha Lakes Toastmasters loves guests. They will do their best to make you feel welcome.

Kawartha Lakes Toastmasters FAQ - Who can I call or contact if I have questions?

Who can I call or contact if I have questions? Visit the Kawartha Lakes Toastmasters Website and see the Contacts link.
Kawartha Lakes Toastmasters hope to see you soon at the Boys and Girls Club in Lindsay!


Where Leaders Are Made --

Toastmasters International, founded in 1924,  is regarded as the leading organization dedicated to communication and leadership skill development. As a member, you will gain the tools, resources and support you need to realize your goals. Through its worldwide network of clubs, Toastmasters helps nearly 280,000 people communicate effectively and achieve the confidence to lead others. Why pay thousands of dollars for a seminar or class when you can join a Toastmasters club for a fraction of the cost and have fun in the process?

What's in it for you? 

Toastmasters is a place where you develop and grow - both personally and professionally. You join a community of learners, and in Toastmasters meetings we learn by doing. Whether you're an executive or a stay-at-home parent, a college student or a retiree, you will improve yourself; building skills to express yourself in a variety of situations. You'll open up a world of new possibilities: giving better work presentations; leading meetings - and participating in them - more confidently; speaking more smoothly off the cuff; even handling one-on-one interactions with family, friends and colleagues more positively.

How does it work? 

The environment in a Toastmasters club is friendly and supportive. Everyone at a Toastmasters meeting feels welcome and valued - from complete beginners to advanced speakers. In a club meeting, you practice giving prepared speeches as well as brief impromptu presentations, known as Table Topics. There is no rush and no pressure: The Toastmasters program allows you to progress at your own pace.
Constructive evaluation is central to the Toastmasters philosophy. Each time you give a prepared speech, an evaluator will point out strengths as well as suggest improvements. Receiving - and giving - such feedback is a great learning experience. In Toastmasters, encouragement and improvement go hand-in-hand.

Kawartha Lakes Toastmasters - Drop In for A Visit! 

You won't regret it. Toastmasters currently has more than 270,000 members in 116 countries. Kawartha Lakes Toastmasters club is just one of the more than 13,000 clubs located around the world. For membership or meeting information, please see Kawartha Lakes Toastmasters meeting information page.
By learning to effectively formulate, organize and express your ideas to others, you can achieve all kinds of success. You'll be more capable and confident when giving presentations. You'll be more persuasive when pitching prospective clients.
Want to be better at negotiating your salary with your boss? Networking at business or social functions? Motivating co-workers - or your kids? Good leaders are good communicators!
How might Toastmasters help you?
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1 comment:

  1. I first visited Toastmasters as a business networking opportunity.
    Later I joined to gain valuable communication and leadership skills.
    Why did you join Toastmasters?
    If you haven't joined, what's holding you back?


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