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Tuesday, 19 May 2015

#AD National Geographic Introduces Kids Online Playground!

Kawartha Lakes Mums - Have You Visited Animal Jam by National Geographic? Animal Jam, an online virtual playground for children who love animals and the outdoors, is the result of an ongoing creative collaboration between Smart Bomb Interactive and National Geographic Society. FTC Disclosure: Kawartha Lakes Mums welcomes family friendly advertising including affiliate links that meet our editorial guidelines. This helps us put food on our table at no additional cost to our readers.
image Animal JAm Kids free online games
Animal Jam by aAtional Geographic - Great Free Kids Fun !

What do we love about Animal Jam?
Here are a few highlights of this fun interactive site:

National Geographic Presents Animal Jam

The goal of Animal Jam is to provide a fun, exciting, and safe environment for kids to play online, while inspiring them to explore and protect the natural world outside their doors.
One of the great features for younger ones is the voice over when picking their animal and customizing it. another thing we like is the "safe chat" where players can only choose from predetermined phrases to communicate.
Want to suggest a word to add to the vocabulary? There is a spot for that too.
While we expected a game a little more realistic it is a safer version of some of the typical online games and does have educational components.
Click on the "Play Now!" banner in the middle of the page to create an account and start playing for free!
What do you love best about National Geographic's Animal Jam?
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  1. Replies
    1. Yes it is a lot of fun - there are different games to appeal to different age levels.

  2. I had no clue about this game! I am sure my toddler would love it since she loves all animals! Thanks for sharing :) <3 Christine, The Choosy Mommy, www.choosykids.blogspot.com

  3. My kids have played this before! It is such a cute & interesting game that is also educational. Love those kind of games!

  4. This looks so fun. My kids would love this.

  5. Sounds great for little ones! It looks like something that would keep their interest while educating them at the same time :)

  6. Sounds like a great place for my kids to play online.

  7. The little guy and I will have to check this out. It sounds wonderful.


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