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Sunday, 17 May 2015

#Alert Using a Payment APP Like Starbucks? Create a Secure Password!

Hackers Draining Star Bucks App Users Bank Accounts! 

Did you know alternate payment systems like the Star Bucks App are often easier to break into than bank security systems? CBC recently reported on a rash of electronic thefts that are the result of people not using secure passwords for their Starbucks Apps.
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Do you know how to create a secure password? This post has some tips to help you create more secure passwords and keep them secure.
What makes a secure password? None of these!

Top 15 Most Common Passwords

Each year internet security firm Splash Data posts their list of the top 25 most common passwords. Here are the top 15 for 2014. 

  1. 123456  
  2. password
  3. 12345
  4. 12345678
  5. qwerty
  6. 123456789
  7. 1234
  8. baseball
  9. dragon
  10. football
  11. 1234567
  12. monkey
  13. letmein
  14. abc123
  15. 111111
Even if your password isn't on the most common passwords list, are you making one of these common mistakes in selecting your passwords?

Common Password Choices

When it comes to creating your password are you:
  • Using a simple keyboard pattern like qwertyuiop  - top row? or qazwsx first 2 columns?
  • The name of your favourite sport or team? there are a slew of sports and teams in the top 100.
  • Your birthday or birth year?
  • The name of your child? Several common names are also on the Splash Data top passwords list.
  • Swear words?
  • Hobbies?
  • Athletes?
  • Car brands?
  • Movies?
These are all in the top most common passwords. So how do you get a non-hackable password?
Here are a few tips:

How to Create Secure Passwords

Many websites often offer the following tips for creating secure passwords:
  1. Use at least 8 Characters.
  2. Use a combination of uppercase, lower case, numbers and special characters.
  3. Use a different password for each of your most important logins -Banking, Pay Pal, and your email address that is totally unrelated to your password for sites like Kawartha Lakes Mums.
  4. Change your passwords frequently.
However, if you want to be really secure, you'll want to use a random password generator- something that some banks are now supplying to top clients.

How to Keep Your Secure Password Private

Jimmy Kimmel staff uncovered the biggest threat to internet security. Watch this YouTube clip .You might be surprised!

image Jimmy Kimmel Show - What is Your Password? Man being asked his password
Jimmy Kimmel Show - What is Your Password?

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How do you protect your passwords??
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