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Monday, 27 October 2014

Need Kawartha Lakes Community Hall Phone Numbers? Hope This Helps!

Kawartha Lakes Arenas, Community Centres & Community Halls  Phone List

FTC Disclosure: Kawartha Lakes Mums welcomes family friendly advertising including affiliate links that meet with our editorial guidelines. This helps us put food on our table at no additional cost to our readers.
Kawartha Lakes families looking to book a space for a meeting, wedding, shower, birthday party or other event, have many choices. We've started building a list of hall phone numbers, and hope all our readers will add to it, so it will be easier for people to find venue spaces for their events. Which numbers are in our Hall directory of phone numbers?
Glad you asked!

Kawartha Lakes Halls for Rent

Kawartha Lakes Hall Rentals Phone Numbers shows an old dial phone and phone book and a meeting  image in the corner
Need Kawartha Lakes Venue Phone Numbers?
Kawartha Lakes hall rentals, where are they? Do you have a hall or rooms to rent for events? Please drop us a comment below, and we will add it to our list.
In addition to Hall rental phone numbers, we are working on adding website links, directions and maps. to this list. 
Want a direct link to your site? Leave a confidential comment and ask about a free link exchange or sponsoring a post.

    1. Bolsover Community Centre - 705-426-5514 
    2. Baddow Community Centre - 705-454-853 
    3. Bobcaygeon Community Centre (Arena) -705-738-3331 
    4. Royal Canadian Legion Branch 239, Bobcaygeon (705) 738-2710 
    1. Burnt River/Sommerville Community Centre- 705-454-8627 
    2. Cameron Community Church Hall 705 - 454-9513 http://Cameroncommunitychurch.org
    3. Carden Recreation Centre- 705-833-1551 
    4. Coboconk Community Hall –705-324-9411 x 1226  
    5. Dalton Community Centre-: 705-833-2477 
    6. Dunsford Community Centre-705-793-2500 
    7. Emily Omemee Community Centre (Arena) - 705-799-5715 Bookings: 705-324-9411 x 1226 
    8. Fenelon Falls Community Centre (Arena) -705-887-3727 Bookings: 705-324-9411 x 1226 
    9. Fenelon Township Community Centre (Cambray) Bookings: 705-324-9411 x 1226 
    10. Janetville Community Centre – 705-324-9604 
    11. Kinmount Community Centre – 705-488-9954
    12. Kinmount Library 705- 488-3199 
    13. Lindsay Recreation Complex – 705-324-9412 / 705-324-9411 x 1560 
    14. Lindsay Library 705-324-9411 
    15. Little Britain Community Centre (Arena) - 705-786-2600 Bookings: 705-324-9411 x 1226
    16. Manvers Community Centre (Arena) – 705-277-2720 Bookings: 705-324-9411 x 1226 
    17. Mariposa Community Hall – Bookings:705-324-9411 x 1226 
    18. Norland Recreation Centre (Ward Park) – 705-324-9411 x 1226 
    19. Norland School Hall Community Centre – 705-454-0190 
    20. Oakwood Community Centre (Arena) – 705-953-9822 Bookings: 705-324-9411 x 1226
    21. Oakwood Library 705- 953-9060 
    22. Omemee Coronation Hall 705-799-5254 Bookings: 705-324-9411 x 1226
    23. Omemee Curling Club 705-799-7156 
    24. Ops Community Centre (Arena) – 705-324-6281 Bookings: 705-324-9411 x 1226 
    25. Palestine Community Centre -705-438-3666 
    26. Pontypool Community Centre – 705-277-2302 
    27. Southview/Cameron New Horizons Club – 705-359-1040 
    28. Victoria Park Armoury – 705-324-9411 x 1226 
    29. Woodville Community Centre (Arena) – 705-439-2547 Bookings: 705-324-9411 x 1226 
    30. Woodville Town Hall – Bookings: 705-324-9411 x 1226 
    31. Woodville Library 705-439-2160 
    Which Halls are missing from our list?
    Drop us a comment, or connect with us in one of these ways. We would love to hear from you!:
    Thanks for Reading Kawartha Lakes Mums! Be sure to  Subscribe to Kawartha Lakes Mums stay in the loop!

    1 comment:

    1. Dod you know of other halls for rent in City of Kawartha Lakes? Please drop us a comment and share your insider secrets!


    Thanks for reading!
    We look forward to your comments, and will publish them after checking for family-friendliness.
    If posting a link, please link back to us, or have a place where we can comment and link back to our blog.

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