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Sunday, 26 October 2014

Kawartha Lakes Readers - Want to Forget Cancer? Read This!

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Forget Cancer Campaign Launch!

Forget Cancer! Do you wish we could forget cancer ever existed? Nick Imrie from South Pond Farms Pontypool agrees. Nick is putting his money where his mouth is, and putting his long locks to good use too! How?
Glad you asked!
If you've been to South Pond Farms Pontypool for a wedding, you've probably met Nick Imrie, their Bar Manager Extraordinaire. Nick is a fun-loving guy who leaves an impression on brides, grooms and guests alike, but more importantly, he has a giant and passionate heart. Losing his grandfather,  a few years ago, prompted Nick to plant the seedlings for what has now blossomed into the Forget Cancer campaign. What is the Forget Cancer Campaign?

Forget Cancer Campaign

Kawartha Lakes Forget Cancer Campaign
The founding principle of the Forget Cancer Campaign is that “everyone has been affected by cancer in some way and if it affects all of us, it will take all of us to make it stop and forget cancer ever existed.”
Polio was once one of the most feared diseases,  but thanks to the development of a vaccine in the 1950’s we now live in a time where the disease has been practically forgotten about.

Forget Cancer Campaign Goal

Could you imagine a world where cancer is viewed the same way as Polio - a historical disease that has never affected you or your family? That is what the Forget Cancer Campaign is working towards. The ultimate goal is to raise $10,000 for the Canadian Cancer Society by December 20, 2014. A daunting goal it might seem, but that’s Nick – an all-in, go-big or go-home kind of guy.

Forget Cancer Campaign  - Nick's Personal Sacrifice

Pontypool South Pond Farms Nick Imrie Holds His Long Locks Aloft Check for $500 to Cancer Society Forget Cancer Campaign Signed by Nick Imrie
Pontypool South Pond Farms Nick Imrie Launches 2014 Cancer Fund Raiser
Nick's been growing his hair for the last few years and it's well past shoulder length locks Tarzan would admire!  To inspire donations for the campaign, Nick's made a personal donation of $500 to the Cancer Society, and will be cutting his hair to have it be turned into a wig for cancer patients.

Forget Cancer Campaign - Get Involved!

South Pond Farms, Pontypool is calling on all their contacts to get involved in the Forget Cancer Campaign. and help them support Nick. How can you support the forget Cancer Campaign?
There are several things you can do:
  1. Spread the word about the campaign and read the full backstory www.forgetcancer.ca  
  2. Like the Forget Cancer Facebook page to keep up to date www.facebook.com/forgetcancer2014 
  3. DONATE! www.forgetcancer.ca/donations/
Let’s Forget Cancer!
How will you participate in the Forget Cancer Campaign?
Drop us a comment, or connect with us in one of these ways. We want to hear where you shared this news! Tell us about your efforts and get a free shout out on Facebook and Twitter!:
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