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Friday, 17 October 2014

7 Bottle Drive Tips! Kawartha Lakes Animal Wellness Society Hauls Bottles Away Oct 18 -19!

Kawartha Lakes Wellness Society Cleans Up For Homeless Pets!

October 18 and 19 Kawartha Lakes Animal Wellness Society new “Mobile Bottle Drive" crew will be gathering wine, liquor, and beer bottles/cans to help with their efforts in assisting homeless pets. How do you run a bottle drive?
Glad you asked!

7 Bottle Drive Tips Featuring KLAWS: Kawartha Lakes Animal Wellness Society

7 Bottle Drive Tips on Kawartha Lakes Mums Blog featuring Kawartha Lakes Animal Wellness Society  Bottle Drive
Kawartha Lakes Fund Raising Tips - Bottle Drives
Thinking of running a bottle drive? Here are 5 Tips that may help you have a successful bottle drive.

  1. Hold your bottle drive right after a holiday weekend, when people will have bottles they will need to dispose of.
  2. Advertise your bottle drive in local media including sharing to local Facebook Groups. - Stacey Roth of KLAWS does an excellent job with this. When posting to Facebook groups, post in a batch - this will alert people that you are posting something important to you.
  3. Arrange a way for people to contact you for pick up, so you aren't just randomly running door to door. For example, if you have bottles for KLAWS to pick up,Email KLAWScatscanning@gmail.com, comment on the post on KLAWS Facebook page, text 705-344-6679 or message Susan Armstrong Wynne on Facebook to arrange for pick up! 
  4. Have  a route for pick up planned to save your volunteers gas. Where possible, assign a volunteer to each pick up area.
  5. Avoid alcohol drip spills in vehicles by equipping vehicles with covered water resistant containers.
  6. If you can cart your empties directly to the bottle depot, do so. Alternately plan for a central storage area for your empties -preferably a detached covered building 
  7. Ask everyone to share your bottle drive and spread the news. Even people without empties can do this.
What tips do you have for hosting a bottle drive?
Drop us a comment, or connect with us in one of these ways. We would love to see your pic!:
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1 comment:

  1. Have you ever done a bottle drive? What tips would you add?


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