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Friday, 17 October 2014

Ontario Library Week Features Kawartha Lakes Events,Freebies, and Giveaway!

Save These Free Kawartha Lakes Events to Your Calendar!

Kawartha Lakes Families can enjoy library fine forgiveness, special events, a free gift and even a contest during Ontario Library Week October 18 to 25, 2014. Is your library offering special events this week too? What's happening in Kawartha Lakes during Ontario Library Week?
Glad you asked.

Kawartha Lakes Public Library Celebrates Ontario Public Library Week !

October 18 to 25, 2014 Kawartha Lakes Public Library celebrates Ontario Public Library Week with the theme “Libraries Inspire”. Ontario Public Library Week,first introduced in 1985, has become the annual focus for promoting and recognising public library service in the province. It provides a focus to reflect upon the important contribution that public libraries make to the quality of life and economic health of their communities through their role in providing access to all types of information in every kind of format.

Kawartha Lakes Ontario Library Week Giveaway

 Kawartha Lakes Public Library invites everyone to join them for a week filled with interesting events and special programs. Special activities brochures are available at all library branches and on the library website. Everyone is invited to take part in our “What I Like About My Library” giveaway Pick up an entry form at your local library branch and draw or write about what you enjoy most at your local library. The deadline for entries is Saturday, October 25. Your name will be entered in a draw for a prize.

Kawartha Lakes Ontario Library Week Freebie 

Kawartha Lakes Public Library is offering a special freebie during Ontario Library Week. How do you get the Kawartha Lakes Library Freebie? Simple! Just check out an item at your local library and you'll be given a free library card holder while quantities last.

Kawartha Lakes Ontario Library Week Fine Forgiveness

Kawartha Lakes Food for Fines Library Program
Do you have library fines? Kawartha Lakes Public Library is partnering with Kawartha Lakes Food Source once again to offer their annual  “Food for Fines”program. Patrons may pay their library overdue fines with donations of non-perishable food items during Ontario Public Library Week at any Library branch. Even if you don't have library fines, take along some items for the food bank, and join in the celebration.  Read about the Woodville area appeal.

Kawartha Lakes Ontario Library Week Special  Events

Kawartha Lakes Public Library is offering numerous special events during Ontario Library Week. What's happening? Special events for Library Week include:
  • Community Week at the Fenelon Falls Library (704 887-6300); 
  • Historical Presentations at the Burnt River (705 454-9646) and Norland (454-852) Libraries; 
  • Grow Your Own Garlic and Knitting for Beginners at the Coboconk Library (705 454-3322); 
  • Writer’s Circle at the Lindsay Library (705 324-5632) and 
  • Afternoon Tea at the Kinmount Library (705 488-3199). 
Friends of the Library events include
  • Tea & Treats with the Friends of the Kirkfield Library (705 438-3331) and 
  • Book Sales organized by the Friends of the Lindsay Library (705 324-5632). 
Special events for children during Public Library Week include:
  • Drumming Workshop at the Kirkfield (705 438-3331), Woodville (705 439-2160) and Lindsay Libraries (705 324-5632) - preregistration is required; 
  • Tim the Puppet Tamer at the Lindsay (705 324-5632), Bethany (705 277-2321) and Bobcaygeon (705 738-2088) Libraries; 
  • Woolley Wonderland Farm at the Dalton (705 833-2858) and Dunsford (705 793-3037) Libraries; 
  • Themed Craft Programs at the Cambray (705 374-4900), Carden (705 833-2845), Downeyville (705 799-5265) ,Dunsford (705 793-3037), Little Britain (705 786-2088), Oakwood (705 953-9060), Omemee (705 700-5711) and Woodville (705 439-2160) 
  • Libraries and Bedtime Storytime at the Bethany (705 277-2321)) Library. 
What do you love best about Ontario Library Week?
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