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Monday, 9 April 2012

Kawartha Lakes Mums Articles Featured on The Nature Daily!

Kawartha Lakes Mums Articles Featured on The Nature Daily!? naturally!

Kawartha Lakes Mums headlines and links can not only be found here on our blog,but also on Facebook, Twitter. G+, as well as some mirror sites. So how do our posts,and the links we share show up in Paper.li papers? it all works through the agic of selective keywords and Twtter hash tags.
Here for example,are a few of the links to stories we shared on Twitter showing up in the paper.li The Nature Daily:

Once you show up in a paper.li, you may want to subscribe to that paper to see what others in your field of interest are posting, and how they are doing business. Would you like to find out more about how to use keywords and hash tags effectively in your headlines?
Please leave a comment below, and we will set up a mutually convenient time and place online to answer questions about Headlines ,key words and Twitter tags.

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