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Sunday, 8 April 2012

Local Heroes:Katie Evans Cancer Fighter!

Katie Evans Battling Cancer Herself and For Others!

We meet heroes each day in many different places. I met Katie through Twitter.Here is why Katie is running in the Lindsay Relay for Hope.

Katie Evans is a breast cancer survivor at the age of 27. March 11th, 2011 Katie was diagnosed with stage 2 invasive breast cancer and 17 days later, had her right breast removed.
After pathology reports came back, it showed that cancer had started to spread to Katie's lymph nodes so a second surgery was scheduled. A week before she was supposed to go in for her second surgery, new cancer research was released explaining that taking her remaining lymph nodes would be detrimental to her health, and if any cancer was left in her lymph nodes, the aggressive chemo she was about to go undergo would kill it.

Last year, in support of Katie and cancer research, her friends came together and entered ‘Team Katie’ into the Canadian Cancer Society’s Relay for Life and in two short months, they raised over $10 000. Last year, Katie had just started chemo, and wasn’t well enough to be a member of the team. This year, Katie hopes to raise $10 000 as her personal contribution to ‘Team Katie’.

'Many times, I think we donate money to causes, but we wonder where the funds are actually going,' shares Katie adding' In my case, cancer research saved me from another surgery and potential future complications.'

How You Can Help

You can be part of a community that takes up the fight. Pledge to support Katie now and join in the fight against cancer.
Online pledging is secure, and it saves the Cancer Society money by reducing administrative costs - it means the money you give can go further to help the fight against cancer.

Follow Katie on Twitter@LovelyKatieLumps and be sure to read her blog.LovelyKatieLumps

About the City of Kawartha Lakes Relay For Life:

The Canadian Cancer Society Relay For Life is an overnight non-competitive relay that celebrates cancer survivors and pays tribute to loved ones. It's a night of fun, friendship and fundraising to beat cancer. City of Kawartha Lakes Relay for Life takes place June 8, 2012 - 7 pm to 7 am at Lindsay Fairgrounds, Lindsay, Ontario.to volunteer,or for more information see the City of Kawartha Lakes Relay for Life page on he Canadian Cancer Society Relay for Life site.

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