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Monday, 29 April 2013

Kawartha Lakes artsVest Funding Networking Event!

Great News! Kawartha Lakes Receives artsVest™ Funding !

Kawartha Lakes Mums - did you hear about this new funding?
 Business for the Arts selected Kawartha Lakes as an artsVest™ community and is providing $54,500 for matching incentive grants and sponsorship training through the program. Arts and culture organizations in Kawartha Lakes will now receive sponsorship training on securing private sector support and will be encouraged to apply for a matching incentive grant that will initiate new partnerships from the local business community.

What is artsVest™?

Glad you asked! artsVest™ is a program designed to spark new business sponsorship of arts and culture and to build capacity in Canada's cultural sector.
'This is another example of all three levels of government working together with the private sector to build stronger and more vibrant communities.'said Mayor Ric McGee, adding 'In this case, the local arts community will benefit from this program made possible by the staff in our Economic Development Department.'

Where Can You Get More artsVest™ Info? 

The launch of the program in Kawartha Lakes will take place on Monday, June 3 and will include a full day of sponsorship training and a networking event. Details on the event will be announced soon. artsVest™ is delivered in Ontario with support from Canadian Heritage, the Government of Ontario and the Ontario Trillium Foundation. For more information on the Kawartha Lakes program please contact the Economic Development office at 705-324-9411. Business for the Arts aims to strengthen art and culture in Canada by connecting arts organizations to business patrons, volunteers and ambassadors, and by providing resources for arts and business leaders to establish and build successful partnerships. For more information, visit www.businessforthearts.org. For more information on the artsVest™ program, visit www.artsVest.com.

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