Seeking Free Children's MS Books?
Kawartha Lakes families Laced Up for Loved Ones in the One Day in May Walk for MS. Multiple Sclerosis is difficult for adults to understand. How do you explain MS to children?The MS Readathon site has 5 FREE MS books to download for children and printable games too.
5 FREE Books for Children Explain MS
- Benjamin: My Mum is Special This publication provides a view of MS through the eyes of a child trying to understand his mother's mysterious and sometimes frightening illness. A beautiful tale of coping, compassion, and caring that is recommended to be shared between all parents with MS and their children. Though recommended for children approximately age 6-10 years old, some British vocabulary may require explanation. We preferred the next book.
- My Mommy has MS This booklet for pre-school children describes MS and its effects in an easy to understand manner, the main character being a 4-year old. Written by a mother with MS and her daughter, the booklet also includes a 'rainbow activity' children can prepare with a parent after reading the book. The storyline has an easy engaging flow.(Illustrations copyright, Michael Speke).
- How to Talk about MS with Your Children What I liked best in this practical guide was the developmental levels used for each age level. This aid can help teachers or parents communicate better with children about multiple sclerosis. By helping parents understand their children's reactions to the disorder, this 36-page booklet will give them the means to pursue their very important role in their children's lives, despite the changes brought about by the disease. This guide may also be useful for anyone who wants to provide help or support young children or teens who have a parent with multiple sclerosis.
- Keep S'myelin This fun resource for children is chock full of games, jokes and fun activities and is based on National MS Society(U.S.), award-winning newsletter Keep S'myelin. Keep S'myelin is a colourful activity book intended to help children find answers to questions about multiple sclerosis and talk with their family and friends about changes MS can bring.
- Keep Your Balance! This colourful zine style publication for teens includes basic information about MS and quotes from teens who have a parent with MS. It is intended to help teens understand MS, its impact on the family, and their own feelings about the disease.
Visit the MS Readathon FREE Download page. Note: the page will load after a short ad which helps pay our internet. Please let us know if any ads are not family-friendly. Find out more here.
Kawartha Lakes Multiple Sclerosis Support Group Info
Discuss issues related to living with MS, or being a caregiver for someone who lives with MS.The MS Society of Canada, Ontario Division, is looking for people who live in the Kawartha Lakes area to participate in the Multiple Sclerosis self-help group. For more information contact Karen Frontin, Coordinator, Education and Training at 1-800-268-7582 ext 3125 or email
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