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Saturday, 11 May 2013

Hunger E Auction - 2 @GinnyWinters Signed Dangerous Journeys Novels

Enjoy Sleuthing! No Motive for Murder - 2 Signed Dr. Virgina Winters Dangerous Journeys Editions ARV $40

Bid on Suspense! Help Kawartha Lakes Food Source Feed Hungry Children

Prize includes : 2 Signed Copies of No Motive for Murder - the latest Dangerous Journeys Series ARV $40 
Comment below with your bid  
Bidding starts at $10 and increases by $2 Bid on Suspense and Help Feed Hungry Children!

About No Motive for Murder

Image Suspense Novel cover No Motive for Murder Dangerous Journeys by Virginia WintersShare the suspense!
Bid on two signed copies of local author Virginia Winters' latest book in her Dangerous Journeys series, No Motive for Murder. Value 20$ each.
In No Motive for Murder, Anne McPhail is on holiday in Bermuda, visiting her sister. She stumbles upon a murder in progress. This time, she is more than just a witness - she is a suspect. Anne is dealing with a police officer who decides Anne is guilty, and sticks to it in face of the evidence or lack of it.
But more is going on than a random murder.
Anne is caught in the middle an assassination plot. When she inadvertently upsets the killer's plan, he turns his attention to her. The risk spreads to her family and friends. Then, Thomas Beauchamp arrives on Bermuda. When Tom's  role is revealed, Anne's life takes a dangerous turn.
Discover more at  www.virginiawinters.ca
Donate a prize or for more information see Hunger E Auction Supporting Kawartha Lakes Food Source

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