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Thursday, 2 May 2013

May 4-5 Lindsay 42nd Annual Antique Automotive Flea Market!

Kawartha Lakes Mums - Check Out The Longest Running Antique Automotive Flea Market! 

Did you know? Lindsay Antique Automotive Flea Market is the longest running show of its kind?
May 4-5 2013 the Ontario Region Chapter of the Antique Automobile Club of America will hold its 42 Show and /Sale at Lindsay Exhibition Fairgrounds.

Lindsay Antique Automotive Flea Market - History 

image Ontario Region Antique Automobile Club of America Logo Red Maple leaf with black Car superimposed
The A.A.C.A / Lindsay Antique Automotive Flea Market – Hosted by the Ontario Region Chapter of the Antique Automobile Club of America is the longest running flea market East of Toronto. With the Flea Markets beginning in the Armoury Building at the Blackstock Fairgrounds in 1968 and venues including the Haydon Church parking lot, Springbrook Bowling Alley parking lot and the Stirling Fairgrounds an ever dwindling parking area necessitated a move. After an extensive search they realized the Lindsay Exhibition Grounds was the ideal location for their Flea Market.

 Lindsay Antique Automotive Flea Market Plus Car Show Plus Camping May 4 - 5 2013

With great anticipation we looking forward to the 42nd A.A.C.A / Lindsay Antique Automotive Flea Market on May 4th and 5th, 2013 at the Lindsay Exhibition Grounds. The Flea Market is always held on the first Saturday and Sunday in May. There are inside and outside sites totaling more than 500 and all parking is within the Exhibition grounds. The AACA always have a good selection of quality collector cars for sale, and these will be located just inside the main gate on a paved lot. The Car Show is always a large part of the Flea Market and more than 200 cars are expected. A Camping area will also be provided for those people wishing to stay overnight.
For more information on being a vendor  taking part in the show, or just taking in the event, please visit :http://www.lindsayantiqueautomotivefleamarket.ca/

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