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Friday, 3 May 2013

Vote! Help this Little Local Hero with Cerebral Palsy Win!

Kawartha Lakes Mums - Can You Help Kaydance?

Can you imagine carying your growing child everywhere?  Your votes can help Kaydance win an accessible van, so her family can take her wheelchair with them! The voting for 2014 is a bit different. See Vote for Kaydance Lane 2014
You can get 2 votes each day per IP address, first choose the option for a bonus vote, then vote yourself! Spread the word! Get everyone voting! Voting ends May 10, so hurry! 

Your Votes can Help Kaydance Win!

image Kaydance Lane Lindsay Ontario smiling in her Wheelchair
April-Lynne Lane, a Lindsay mum, writes:
This is my beautiful daughter, Kaydance. She has been entered into a contest about mobility awareness, 3 people with the most votes will win an accessible van. Kaydance has Cerebral Palsy, which effects all of her limbs. Winning this van would be a dream come true for our family, as she gets older it is necessary to take her chair everywhere she goes. I can only carry her for so long. Unfortunately we did enter the contest very late, voting started in March . So we need every single person we can to help!!! Please vote for Kaydance! You can vote everyday, per ip address, you can also share with family and friends!! Voting ends May 10th and we have A LOT of catching up to do. Every vote counts! 

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