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Saturday, 20 July 2013

Cameron: India Mission Fundraiser Dinner Concert!

Kawartha Lakes Church Aids Youth Mission Trip!

Cameron Community Church welcomes sisters Krysta, Ashley, and Alexandra Gillingham in their fundraising efforts for their mission trip to India as they share their musical talents this evening. Cameron Community Church will have two dinner seatings at 5 pm and 6 pm with music beginning at 6pm.

Gillingham Songbird Sisters Nearing Fundraising Goal!

image Boots and Hearts Audition Screen Shot :Krysa Gillingham
Krysta Gillingham
from Boots and Hearts Audition
Posted by
Braydon Paige
Krysta Gillingham and her sisters have raised 95% of their fundraising goal of $3500 each to go on a mission trip to India, where they will be building shelters and a Bible school. Come learn more about their mission trip and enjoy their beautiful young voices raised in praise and worship. Any and all donations are gratefully received. Suggested donation for the dinner is $12 per person. Please give generously to encourage these young women in their efforts.
Here is a clip of Kyrsta Gillingham singing Sweet Holy Spirit accompanied by her father Evangelist Richie Gillingham at Omemee Christian Outreach. Enjoy!
For more information about this event, or to reserve a dinner ticket, please call Ralph Whyte at Cameron Community Church at or visit Cameron Community Church Facebook page.http://adf.ly/4009826/cameron-community-church-events

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