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Sunday, 12 May 2013

Kawartha Lakes Mums - What Will YouTell Another Mom?

Kawartha Lakes Mums Joins Tell Another Mom Mission!

Kawartha Lakes Mums seeks to connect Kawartha Lakes Families to family -friendly businesses and and organizations. This Mother's Day, we introduce another 'Mum blogger network' that may be of interest to Kawartha Lakes Mums. 'Tell Another Mom'
is not so much a blog network, but a mission - a mission to encourage mothers in supporting each other. Is this mission impossible? or not?

How to Join Tell Another Mom Mission

To join the tell another mom mission, all you need to do is offer support to other mothers in replace of judgement. You can join in the fun Mondays tweeting emailing, and sharing encouragement. Each week Tell Another Mom has a new picture on their Facebook page so anyone can easily share it to another mom’s timeline. On twitter, simply tweet to another mother something encouraging and hashtag it #TAMmonday or include @TellAnotherMom. (i.e. @MarieOsmond you’re an amazing mother #TAMmonday. However you don't need to wait until Monday to encourage other mums.
Here are a few simple suggestions to help with your mission:

Tell another mom…

1. …that she’s a good mom. (it feels so good to say it and to hear it!!)

2. …that she’s doing a great job.

3. …that you have been in her shoes.

4. …about your struggles.

5. …that being a mom is hard work.

6. …that it’s okay to cry.

7. …that we all make mistakes.

8. …to do what works.

9. …to take time for herself.

10. …that every child is different.

What Is 'Tell Another Mom' Mission?

'Tell Another Mom' mission is simple.  
Founder Janet Casey writes:
image Tell Another Mom badge opens new windowWhen we entered this wonderful world of motherhood, we also unknowingly signed up for the judgement and criticism that comes along with being a Mom. What’s even worse about this, is that as mothers, we do it to each other. If you ask any mother to answer honestly,  I can guarantee that she’s been at both ends of the criticism and judgement. So the mission is simply this..  
Tell Another Mom that she is doing a good job or offer some sort of support that is actually helpful. Have you ever had another mother tell you that you are a ‘good mom‘. I have…and it feels so amazing. Don’t tell a mom who hasn’t slept for weeks on end, that you have a baby that sleeps for twelve hours a night. Instead tell her about one of your struggles rather than boasting about your success. When you see a mother who is dragging her four year old to the kindergarten door with a toddler screaming and a newborn baby in a stroller in the middle of winter, make it your duty to tell her what a great job she is doing. We need to relate with each other and offer support in replace of judgement and competition. The mission is about helping other mothers on a weekly basis. If you can do it on a daily basis even better. I have made a commitment to stop criticizing, judging and competing with other moms. Instead, I will support them by following the Tell Another Mom mission. Join the mission today
So ,is this a mission you can agree with?

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