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Tuesday, 14 May 2013

May 14 Crime Stoppers Presentation Omemee Tops Day!

Kawartha Lakes Policing - We Appreciate Your Work! 

City of Kawartha Lakes is served by two Police forces, and numerous volunteers.
The Town of Lindsay is served by City of Kawartha Lakes Police, and the rest of City of Kawartha Lakes is served by Ontario Provincial Police - Kawartha Lakes Division. Policing committees work with the police in many communities within City of Kawartha Lakes.
 OPP Commissioner Chris Lewis stressed the importance of  special co-operative policing model that exists in Ontario in this statement:
'Ontario remains safe and secure because of the cooperative model that is embraced by community partners, leaders, and its police services. Our members strive for excellence every week of the year and Police Week is a great time for us to collectively celebrate our success,' wrote Commissioner Lewis adding,'The OPP's use of social media effectively supports our commitment to public safety and security for the citizens of Ontario.'
Throughout our City of Kawartha Lakes our police are conducting several special opportunities for media to interview officers and find out more about their work.

Crime Stoppers! Find Out How You can Help Solve Crimes

Tuesday May 14 7:30pm a Crime Stoppers presentation will be held with the Omemee Community Policing group at Omemee Fire Hall, where Ontario Provincial Constable Kane will be available for questions. Want to help stop .crime, and even get rewarded? This is a must see presentation!
Throughout the week,and especially today, Ontario Provincial Police have been answering questions about various initiatives they are involved in, including internet safety,  Road Safety and the Big 4.

Road Safety - The Big 4

Constable Carrie Lanning started her morning at 8:30am at City of Kawartha Lakes detachment with a radar equipped police cruiser answering questions pertaining to Road Safety Week - Provincial and the BIG 4  Then at 09:30 am ,it was off to her next assignment.

Internet Safety - Officers Walking the Digital Beat

Internet Safety :Internet Good Bad and Dangerous

Here is a brief clip from an Constable Lanning's presentation:"Internet Safety:The Good, The Bad, The Dangerous.' We recorded during Police Week 2012

From 11:30 am to 1:15 pm today, Officer Lanning conducted two internet safety/cyber-bullying presentations at Bobcaygeon PS, then answered questions about the presentations.  During Police Week May 12-18, 2013 the theme is "Walk the Digital Beat…A New Era of Engagement."
 More often, police agencies around the world are relying on social media to help educate the public about safety concerns, and communicate with all members of the community in new ways. Social Media is fast becoming an effective way for police to shape conversation by regularly tweeting and posting to Facebook and YouTube; using these tools to broaden their fight against crime and to keep people informed.
 The OPP remains committed to internet and online public safety, and reminds people of the dangers that social media can bring.
  • Be cautious with what you post online, remember that NOTHING you share online is completely private, and always be aware ofonline scams and predators. 
  • A new resource is available for teens aged 14 to 17 who may have already become victims of online abuse. Young people are encouraged to visit www.needhelpnow.ca for help to cope with any difficult online situations.
Police Week is also a time to remember those who have fallen while in the ine of duty. Officers, civillian employees, and volunteers - We THANK YOU!

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