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Saturday, 21 September 2013

George Brings #KawarthaLakes Revival Message!

Kawartha Lakes: Spiritual Revival Forecast!

Evangelist George Jenkins will be speaking at two services in Lindsay on Sunday:10:30 am and 7 pm at 17 William Street South,  Monday evening, Evangelist Jenkins, an internationally renowned speaker, shared an important message of spiritual revival that is to take place in Omemee, Lindsay, and Peterborough area
Here is a bit about the message he brought to Omemee, Monday night.

Omemee Christian Outreach welcomed Evangelist George Jenkins Monday evening, at their weekly dinner at Coronation Hall. Evangelist Jenkins, an internationally renowned speaker, shared an important message of spiritual revival that is to take place in Omemee, Lindsay, and Peterborough area.
'Why Omemee?...Because it is the most unlikeliest of places for it to happen!' explained George.
George illustrated his message, aptly relating it to the beauty of the farming area and his experiences visiting the Peeters dairy farm outside Omemee.
'When spiritual revival takes place, everything improves,' shared George 'When spiritual revival took place in South America, the movie Transformations, documented how even the carrots grew to five times the size!'
George further explained 'How is this spiritual revival to take place? We need to understand how to use the keys to The Kingdom.'
Evangelist Jenkins referenced numerous biblical passages which speak of the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. In Matthew 16:19 Jesus says He will give us the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven.
'One of the most important keys is compassion towards each other,' explained George pointing out the many references to healing and miracles that manifested when Jesus had compassion for people.
Following George's message, many sought prayer and the presence of the Holy Spirit was manifested. One woman's huge haematoma shrinking to half its size, and pain released by being so filled with the Joy of the Lord, so she laughed for over an hour.
George Jenkins will be speaking at two services in Lindsay on Sunday:10:30 am and 7 pm at 17 William Street South, then return to conduct a free 5 day seminar Nov 28th - Dec. 2nd at Faith Harvest Peterborough and Omemee. For Further information visit Kingdom Ministries on Facebook.

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