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Thursday, 26 September 2013

Lindsay @BulkBarn Proudly Supports World #Alzheimer Campaign!

Kawartha Lakes Mums - Support World Alzheimer Day - Give a Loonie!

Alzheimer Coffee Break Fundraiser - Did you know more than 740,000 Canadians are currently living with Alzheimer's and other related dementias? Sadly, this number is expected to grow to well over a million in the next 20 years. Bulk Barn has joined the fight against this terrible disease will you?

Popping into Lindsay Bulk Barn in the Whitney Town Centre Mall, Lindsay, we saw the Alzheimer Coffee Break fundraiser well underway, with blue coffee cups displayed courtesy generous donors. This disease hits home for many in Kawartha Lakes.

During September, Bulk Barn is participating in the 18th year of "Coffee Break" fundraising with the Alzheimer Society of Canada. They supported the program by collecting donations through the sale of "Coffee Break" decals during the period of September 6th through September 21st. All money collected at the Lindsay Bulk Barn goes directly to our local Alzheimer Society branch and supports people in our community. Your signature on the coffee cup recognizes your donation of $ 1.00, which is mounted on the wall behind the cash registers. All funds collected from Bulk Barn stores will be sent to the Alzheimer Society headquarters at the end of the program to be distributed to local branches.

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