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Friday, 4 October 2013

Vote @OntMeatPoultry Help #KawarthaLakes Foodbanks Win $250 Meat!

Vote Help KawarthaLakes Foodbanks Win $250 Meat!

Kawartha Lakes Foodbank Needs Your Daily Votes - Can You Help?
Kawartha Lakes Mums, can you give a click for our Foodbanks? Kawartha Lakes Food Source posted the following request on their wall, and we're helping spread the word. You can help too!

Please vote for KLFS. Like and Share on your page to reach others and vote daily!

Ontario Meat & Poultry | Give Thanks & Help the Hungry

Vote for your local food bank to receive a $250 donation towards Ontario meat and poultry in time for Thanksgiving. Food banks listed are members of the Ontario Association of Food Banks (OAFB) and have facilities for the proper storage and handling of meat and poultry products.
Vote at http://adf.ly/4009826/vote-ontario-meat-n-poultry 

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Note: links in unsponsored posts show a word from a family - friendly sponsor before continuing to the destination page. Get paid for sharing links see http://adf.ly/?id=4009826  Questions? Comments? email k...@g...l.com

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