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Wednesday, 13 November 2013

@CameronCChurch #KawarthaLakes Ladies Day!

Calling Women of God!

From Cameron Community Church
Attention Women of God!
November 16, 2013Join a Gathering of Womenat Cameron Community Church, 4075 Highway #35, Cameron, Ontario
We will meet at the schoolhouse at 10:00 a.m. for light refreshments. Lunch and Supper will also be provided and we expect to wrap up around 8:00 p.m
This will be a day of women ministering to women (teens are welcome!). Messages from the Bible on the life of Deborah (read Judges chapters 4 and 5 before you come), worship, fellowship, times of body ministry and whatever else the Lord decides.

Speakers: Sandra Berry, Fay Stokes, and others.

Cost for the day (food and all!) is $15.00.

Registration is required in order to have sufficient meals for all.
Register Online at http://CameronCChurch.blogspot.ca.
Any inquiries, call 705-738-5168 or 705-738-1359, or email: sandraofcameronATbell.net

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