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Monday, 10 March 2014

#MarketingMonday Lipstick Personalities: What Lipstick Says About Your Clients - Fact or Fun?

Kawartha Lakes Mums - What Can You Learn From Lipstick Shapes?

Marketing to women? Did you know your clients' lipstick shape or colour may reveal a great deal about their buying habits?  Fact or Fiction? What do you think?
The earliest online suggestion we can find of this personality typing is in a pdf upload by Audrey Dollar, 
Open Lipsticks - linked to original image page
Lipstick - Public Domain Image
Yummy Mummy Club recently published an article by Dan Thomson Beauty Debunker, that categorizes clients by their lipstick shape. How accurate is this explanation for your lipstick shape? What could you learn about your clients by the shape of their lipstick? While some retailers might have a logical link to this information - such as makeup artists, how do other retailers tap into this inside information? 
Perhaps it is easier to check out personality types by colour as suggested by Johanna, beauty and fashion staff writer at MamásLatinas http://adf.ly/4009826/lipstick-colour-personality
Check Out the Yummy Mummy Club Article Lipstick Personalities By Beauty Debunker Dan Thomson at http://adf.ly/4009826/lipstick-personalities
Fact or Fluff ? What do you think? Weigh in on this topic on our Marketing Monday Post on Facebook, where Fans can share links.
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