Kawartha Lakes Celebrates Pitch In Canada Week and Earth Day Celebrations: April 19 to 27
April 21 to 27, City of Kawartha Lakes will celebrate Pitch In Canada Week with a number of opportunities for residents to work together to improve our neighbourhoods and revitalize the green spaces in our community.It all Starts with You! Be part of the Action! Does your group have activities planned for Pitch In Canada Week? We would love to hear about them! email your plans to http://scr.im/klmums
Kawartha Lakes Pitch In Week Scheduled Events
- Earth Day at Gamiing Nature Centre - April 19 Located at 1884 Pigeon Lake Road between Lindsay and Bobcaygeon. Celebrate Earth Day 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM with an Easter Echo Egg hunt, trail bingo, orienteering activities and more
- Orange Box Giveaway- April 21 to 27 14 gallon orange colour boxes are available to safely store and transport your residential household hazardous waste. Available at no cost at City hazardous waste depots. Limit one per household, while supplies last.
- Tree Seedlings- April 22 to 25 Free coniferous tree seedlings are available at Municipal Service Centre's. Limit one per person, while supplies last.
- 20 Minute Makeover - April 21 to 27 Interested groups help clean up litter in your community.
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