Kawartha Lakes Flood Watch Continues - Did You Make Your Plan?
This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase from an affiliate link. I will be compensated. Adf.ly links will display a word from a sponsor before the website.Kawartha Conservation Flood watch continues till April 16 as shared in the release below. Are you preparing for emergency conditions? Even if you are not in a flood prone area it is good to be prepared for emergencies.
Businesses, families, and organizations all need emergency plans. While a generic emergency kit may be helpful, each family will need some items specific to their needs. Helping a senior prepare? Have small children? Pets? The following links give tips to help your family prepare for emergencies.
Emergency Preparedness sites stress the importance of :
- Knowing the risks for your area
- Making a plan
- Preparing a kit.
- Keeping informed.
Knowing the Risks
What are the emergency risks for your area? Have any of your friends or family in City of Kawartha Lakes been affected by these types of Emergency Risks?
- Fire http://adf.ly/4009826/kawartha-lakes-fire-pdf
- Flood
- Tornado
- Hurricaine
- Power Outage
- Severe Heat
- Chemical Spills
Kawartha Lakes Emergencies Making A Plan
There are many free online tools to help you create an emergency plan for your home, organization, or business. Here are some links we found. Do you have any suggestions to add?
- Emergency Management Ontario Offers a great online tool for creating your plan http://adf.ly/4009826/ontario-online-emergency--tool You can update your plan online, and print several copies to stash at work, in the car and in your home, and save one to your computer.
- Government of Canada Emergency pdf has lots of great tips, http://adf.ly/4009826/gov-canada-emerg-pdf and also offers a handy pocket guide http://adf.ly/4009826/emergency-pocket-guide
- Federal Emergency USA contains a large number of links for business preparedness. http://adf.ly/4009826/federal-emergency-guides
One of the biggest challenges in an emergency is knowing where everyone is Life 360 - a free APP is a super solution. It helps you even know when your teen turns on your car's ignition using a key fob, and can notify you when a relative's weight drops, and more.
Kawartha Lakes Emergencies Making A Kit
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Labelled Waterproof Bin Courtesy Mabels Labels |
Basic services such as electricity, gas, water, sewage treatment and telephones may be cut off for days or even a week, or longer. Your supplies kit needs to contain items to help you manage during these outages.
It is recommended to store your disaster kit in a Waterproof bin.
Basic Disaster Supplies Kit
A basic emergency supply kit could include the following recommended items:- Water, one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days, for drinking and sanitation
- Food, at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food high water, high protein, and low salt
- Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert and extra batteries for both
- Flashlight and extra batteries
- First aid kit
- Whistle to signal for help
- Dust mask to help filter contaminated air and plastic sheeting and duct tape to shelter-in-place
- Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation
- Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities
- Manual can opener for food
- Local maps
- Cell phone with chargers, inverter or solar charger
It is recommended you store your Kit in water-proof containers.
How do you keep track of what is pack in each container? Mabels Labels Scan and Store labelling system can help. Just label items,snap pics of items as you pack them into the box, then later scan the container to see what's inside without rummaging through the box!
Kawartha Lakes Emergencies - Stay Informed
Flood Watch remains in effect for the Kawartha Conservation watershed area through to Wednesday, April 16, 2014.
Local watercourses continue flowing at high water levels and greater than usual velocities responding to the precipitation received over the weekend. Snowmelt contributes to the high flows in a limited way as little of the snowpack remains within the watershed.
Almost 31 mm of precipitation was recorded yesterday at the Mariposa Brook monitoring gauge. Runoff from this rain has caused water levels at local rivers and streams to increase rapidly, due to saturated soil conditions and bankfull conditions with some road flooding being reported. Monitoring data shows that the majority of watercourses within the Kawartha Conservation watershed peaked overnight and water levels are currently declining.
Another system is currently moving through southern Ontario; up to 20 mm of rain and 5 cm of snow for the next 24 hours are forecasted in association with this system. Ground surfaces are wet and runoff storage spaces, such as low-lying areas, road ditches, and other ground depressions, remain filled with water.
Under these conditions, runoff from rain coupled with limited storage capacity will maintain elevated water levels and velocities in local rivers and streams. Water accumulation in areas adjacent to watercourses, road ditches, and areas with poor drainage will persist.
The water levels of the Kawartha Lakes (Balsam, Cameron, Sturgeon, Pigeon lakes and Lake Scugog) continue to rise as a large volume of water passes through the Trent River system. The Burnt and Gull rivers, which flow into the Kawartha Lakes from lakes farther north flow at high levels; Burnt River has overtopped its banks, causing some flooding. The Flood Warning, issued by Ministry of Natural Resources, is in effect for Burnt and Gull river watersheds. The MNR is the agency responsible for flood forecasting and warning within those jurisdictions.
Trent-Severn Waterway officials are reassessing the situation on an ongoing basis. Their staff adjust flows through water control structures to manage this significantly increased volume of water as it works its way down the system of reservoir lakes and rivers.
All local rivers, streams, and lakes continue to be extremely dangerous. Riverbanks are very slippery and unsafe. Ice cover, where it exists, is weak, unstable, and very hazardous. Kawartha Conservation is warning all residents to stay off of ice and away from water bodies, as well as water structures such as bridges, culverts, and dams. Children should be warned of dangerous conditions and caregivers should maintain a close watch on children who are outside.
Municipalities are advised to closely monitor areas known for flooding and be prepared to respond to high water situations as they occur. Residents are advised to contact their municipalities should a flood threat develop. Local municipalities are first to respond to and assist with flood emergencies. For municipal contact information please visit
We will continue monitoring local watercourses closely. We remain in constant communication with Trent Severn Waterway, Ministry of Natural Resources and other partner agencies. If you are aware of or have concerns about flooding, please contact us at 705.328.2271 or 705.344.0155 after hours.
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