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Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Library #Design :Bobcaygeon Library Expanding Have Your Say!

Kawartha Lakes Mums Did You Know Bobcaygeon Library is Expanding? 

Bobcaygeon Library, 21 Canal Street is going to be expanding! The building which also holds the Bobcaygeon Chamber of Commerce, and Boyd Heritage Museum, will expand across the lawn to the corner. The plan is being developed with input from the A. Sheila Boyd Foundation in order to ensure maximum benefit to both organizations and the community. Have you seen it?
The proposed plan for 21 Canal Street includes a small expansion to the Boyd Heritage Museum, a gallery space, a reading room, a computer area, and circulation desk with entrance on the south-west corner of the building.
Have you seen the floor plan? What do you think of it?

Bobcaygeon Library Floor Plan - Reflections

Bobcaygeon 2014 proposed expansion shows current buiding and artists conception
Bobcaygeon Library 2014 Proposed expansion
The plan is definitely well thought out, but I wonder if the computer room area might be better by the circulation desk, rather than in front of the washrooms? My reasoning is two-fold:

  1. Traffic pattern. Having the computers right in front of the washrooms could be distracting for computer users.
  2. Ensuring easy access for computer assistance.
Another thing I'm wondering about is the growing trend for libraries to have a café area, as a method to help offset costs.
I'm no architect, and my ideas are probably way out in left field. So what do you think of the new Bobcaygeon Library/Gallery/Museum/Chamber of Commerce? City of Kawartha Lakes welcomes your input.
On a related note:
Effective July 7 the Bobcaygeon Library will be open from 12:30 p.m. – 7 p.m. on Mondays and Thursdays and Saturdays from 9 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Concept drawings of the proposed expansion and floor plans are available for viewing on the Library’s website through the link below. Please take the time to review and comment on the design.
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