Kawartha Lakes Family Thankful for Junior Farmers!
April 20 2014 CHEX posted a news segment with very graphic images of the horrific crash that almost killed a Woodville man while on a farm exchange in New Zealand. Unfortunately due to time constraints, the family's thanks for those who helped them was chopped.
Nicole - sister of Mike posted the following comment, thanking Kawartha Lakes Junior Farmers, and individuals, which we have republished here.
Woodville Family Expresses Gratitude for Help
Woodville MAn Survives Horriffic Crash |
I’d like to add something on behalf of my family that was cut out of this segment due to time restrictions. My family would like to thank a few people and one amazing organization. Kawartha Junior Farmers is an amazing group of people that have done a lot for the community and will continue to do a lot for the community, but what they did for my brother and my family is priceless, at a provincial event called Sing Swing the counties of Junior Farmer members gathered and did a fundraiser for my brother Mike when he was in the New Zealand hospital. They took donations so people could wax each other and we are truly grateful for the people that were involved and went threw that pain for my brother raising a good chunk of change for him and my family to help with the last minute expenses my parents had to pay, the Junior Farmers are an amazing organization full of people with the biggest hearts I know, and I personally am so grateful for what they did and went through. Claire Bunnik is another person my family and I would like to thank she opened a bank account in TD for people to donate money towards my brother and our family, it meant the world to us that these people showed such hospitality towards us and especially my brother. It was a hard month and a week but we had the full support of all our friends and family during this time and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts, we are so grateful to everyone and so overjoyed that mike is ok and doing amazing back in Canada. Thank you to everyone again that donated or volunteered there body to be waxed. You are all amazing a have a special place in my heart. Also I’d like to thank an amazing women named Sue Crocker who took my family into her home after Mike was released from the hospital. Your are all wonderful people who have showed me how great this world can be in a bad situation. Thank you all again.
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