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Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Kawartha Lakes #Ontario K-9 Officer First Case - Find Name!

Kawartha Lakes Police Services Welcomes Newest Officer!

Kawartha Lakes Police Service and  Chief John Hagarty are happy to introduce you to their newest rookie officer. Pending a medical examination and successful completion of a comprehensive training program, they have selected a dog to relieve Rock, their present police services dog of his duties. He is a dog with no name! What would you name this officer?
Can you help?

Dog Naming - How Do You Name Your Dogs?

Kawartha Lakes Mums readers know a thing or two about naming babies - how about dogs? Our family's dogs were almost all adopted with name intact - none of those names were very earth shattering, just based on the colour of the dog for the most part: Rusty, Stormy, Tippy.
I wonder what type of name would be most useful when on patrol? If he were named "Sarge" the officer could always tell the truth in hostage situations :
"Hold on, Don't do anything rash! Sarge will be with you in a minute!" 
Hmm...Sometimes it helps to meet the dog.

Meet Kawartha Lakes K-9 Officer No Name Sept. 6th

Constable Watson will be present with both Rock and their newest addition. at Victoria Feeds Horse and Hound on Saturday September 6th from 11am – 4pm for Victoria Feeds Horse and Hound  customer appreciation day Anyone wishing to meet both dogs can do so at Victoria Feeds.
Kawartha Lakes K-9 Officer Seeks Name!
How About a Family Name or Job Description?
Kawartha Lakes Canine Officer No Name is 16 months old, and of Czech Republic bloodlines. He will be trained as a general purpose police services dog in tracking, article searches, criminal apprehension, handler protection, drug detection, and area searches.
Hmmm.. Sniffer? Tracker? Officer Dog? Snoop Dog? Dustonijk Pes? Chase?

Help Name  Kawartha Lakes K-9 Officer No Name

Kawartha Lakes Police Service is asking for the community’s assistance in naming their newest member. Want to to submit a potential name? Post the name and its significance to www.facebook.com/kawarthalakespolice. Potential names will be accepted until September 6th. The dog’s new name will be announced on Monday September 8th

Kawartha Lakes Police Service Thanks You. 

The City of Kawartha Lakes Police Service wish to thank:
  • Kawartha Animal Hospital, 
  • Nutro foods, 
  • Victoria Feeds Horse and Hound and 
  • Our community for their continued support of the K9 program. 
Officer V-O-N-K?
What would you name this latest member of Kawartha Lakes Policing Team?
Drop us a comment, or connect with us in one of these ways. We would love to hear from you!:
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